
Noooo. An everything bagel with cream cheese (Kite Hill chive, for me), sliced tomato, and salt & pepper is amazing. With coffee it’s a perfect breakfast.

See also the “Positive Vibes Only” prints and coffee mugs I see all over social media, and calling anyone even remotely critical of something a “hater”. It feels oppressive. Feel the full spectrum of emotion, people! There’s a time for all of it!

It always cracks me up when celebs say (in an ad) that a random product “fits their busy lifestyle”. How would a different lip balm not fit your busy lifestyle? What does chapstick have to do with busyness?!

This is what I do, basically, using an Aeropress. Strong coffee or espresso over ice is so much better than cold brew, which I think tastes flat.

38 and I just rediscovered my CDs like a year ago. Since then I’ve had a binder in the car. It’s all old (I never buy CDs now), but it was like having all new music!

Whaat? Computers can’t play DVDs anymore? Do people buy DVDs? We have digital music, but how do we keep movies if not on DVD? (Honest questions; I’m old.)

My favorite book as a kid was Outside Over There. I still love it! So weird, and so creepy, but lovely.

I can’t even figure out what the draw is for someone like this girl. He’s not religious (even if he pretends to be, occasionally), he’s not smart or well-spoken (clearly!), he’s not cool, he’s not respectful to women... what is a young, college-educated woman seeing in him? Is it just that he will attempt to advance

She leaves them on the printer. :)

My coworker not only prints all her emails, but she gets email transcriptions of all her voicemails and she prints those too. Half the time they don’t even make sense!

I always want to watch that in the fall (though I usually don’t). I’m so jealous of Susan Sarandon’s perfect house in that movie.

I thought that too! “Haha, what’s wrong with her? She sounds like Trump here...” I’ve never thought of it but yeah she typically sounds way smarter than him. That is alarming.

Omg Ron. That gif and the one of him dancing with a little hat are two of my favorite things ever.

No. I never said my dog wants to go to college. But she doesn’t want to be killed (people will actually say they thanked the animal for their “sacrifice” before eating meat, which is crazy). If you’re saying animals can’t feel pain and fear, you’re wrong. And I’m saying to inflict pain and fear when it is unnecessary

But they’re alive. You couldn’t say punching a person in the face is more cruel than murdering them.

Thanks! I appreciate a respectful exchange. I know eating animals is the norm, and I used to eat them, and my own thoughts on it have evolved quite a bit over the years.

You are free to have the opinion, and to rank animals according to your personal feelings, I’m just pointing out that your appreciation of their meat doesn’t make it less cruel to an animal who wants to live. Slaughter is inherently cruel, no way around that.

I mean, it’s kind of hard to argue (imo) that butchering an animal isn’t cruelty. Kicking a dog is cruel but cutting a chicken’s head off isn’t? To the animal, it doesn’t matter what your intention is. 

Right, she can’t share her disagreements publicly, because that would make her “less effective”, as she says. Jesus, hard to be less than 0% effective so far... unless you’re advocating for the same things your dad has been pushing. Just fucking own up to it and say you like the gig and don’t actually give a shit

Seriously what even is the “work” she’s talking about? When she says “My father, and this administration, intends to be transformative and we want to do big bold things and we’re looking to change the status quo.” - what are those things? Can she even answer honestly while on Fox? Because she tells the left she’ll