Pennsylvania Polka

Radio announcer said his kid is the place kick holder for Clemson. Is that true? Them Ryan’s always trying to close to those feet.

I anoint thee Sad Bama Fan 2017.

It’s nice seeing Nick Saban marginally sadder than usual instead of marginally happier than usual.

It’s like the Mike Myers face when Kanye said Bush hates black people.

Jay: “Hey, Siri. Call DEA.”

Jay Bilas is a known narc.

Is that Jay Bilas scowling grumpily next to Walton?

Screw the waiting period. Put this in the Hall NOW!!!

Not 90 seconds ago I was contemplating smoking a bowl. This is a sign.

You can’t tell me Jay Bilas isn’t secretly dialing someone right that moment to narc...

I nominate this whole thing for DSHOF. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

I love that the whole time, Jay Bilas looks like someone just saw his browser history.

“’s an astonishing admission—someone who actually wants to participate in Trump’s inauguration.”

There are going to be so many famous people at the election that Washington DC has sold out of dresses, didn’t you hear?

Trump thinks Meryl Streep is “over-rated.” This comes from a man that gave us Scott Baio at the national convention.

“inciting people’s worst instincts.”

Rae Carruth?

Now playing

Are we sure it wasn’t his alter ego Jerry Porter who runs out on the field during playoff games?

He had had a few too many Porters. Should really stick to the lighter beers.

“unruly customer”