Pennsylvania Polka

Had Elizabeth run I could have cast a vote for a nationalist, a populist, a thoughtful and honorable person who carries with her no sense of superiority or pretension. She is noble in her actions and usually in her words. Hell, she wrote a personal finance book that is still working its way through my mind.

What you did, by not voting: is guaranteeing kids will starve, women will lose their reproductive rights, and the wage disparity will just grow. Your inaction, and anyone like you, has guaranteed people will suffer. Grow the fuck up, and stop thinking you are the only person who matters. People like you, ruin lives,

Idiot. Fuck you.

Seems like an open and shut case to me. It’s not fair to only serve tourists to black people.

Omg my parents are on their second Standard Poodle and he is the BEST DOG. We call him Galumphapants but that isn’t his name.

Owning a dog is one way to turn your hair grey

Omg! You used a photo from “Homeward Bound” to go along with this photo?? I’m crying while standing in line at the store. “SHADOW! SHADOW!!” Omg!! Why??

I enjoyed this. A lot.

Oh god. Who let Daulerio out of his kennel?

I knew I felt dirty reading this. Off to take a shower.

Stick around A.J. I don’t even care that you ruined Deadspin. Good to see you back.

All the Santas from my childhood were dicey looking white dudes with obvious fake beards and a lingering odor of cigarettes and hot dogs.

She’s in in one of my son’s favorite movies, Paddington. When she’s on screen, which is often, he holds his hand up to cover her face. I asked him why he does that and he said her face looks like it hurts.

I think I’m going to skip Christmas movies today and watch The Birdcage

Her dermatologist: I leave these here for jyou.

Starred for Pirin. I don’t know what I’d do without it!

So what does Nicolas Kidman’s dermatologist tell her the boTOX is? Pirin tablets?

Assnapkins is my new favorite word.

“Melania will be one of the great stars in the administration.”