Pennsylvania Polka

It’s like punching Nazi scum. It is never wrong to punch a Nazi and steal their fucking Mike & Ike’s!

Hence why I am an Atheist.

She is truly a caricature of the Monopoly Man running all over Boardwalk buying hats and politicians. It is soul crushing and I am not even a teacher.

Manchin is a lost cause. Him and his $700 Epi Pen daughter.

Even he would fuck up the labels on cigarette packs.

Oh interesting theory but there is no way we ever get enough votes to impeach the Orange Ballsack. Despite my praying to the invisible sky fairy and giving fake promises of going back to church if it were to happen.

This is what kills me. GO MITCH MCCONNELL. Everyone thought all that GOP obstruction, I mean Garland NEVER GOT A HEARING, would hurt them. It didn’t, it helped, they gained more seats. I say fuck it and say NO to everything.

If every single Democrat doesn’t vote against DeVos, I will snap. She is a horrible monstrous person.


You know, I like Sherrod, I even think he can be more trustworthy than Warren. Not sure what was going on his mind, I have lost most hope but man, I hope there is some kind of grand plan for him doing this now.

Bless you Earl for your optimism. I don’t know if Trumputin actually cares enough about anyone to allow his hair plugs to actually fall out.

I cannot abide.

On the infrastructure bill that was pending, building trades were definitely in the room. But, therein lies the problem, they are not around for any other bills say that would help fellow public sector unions. Often times it is “I got mine fuck you on yours” deal when it comes to some trade unions but that is

We had the same thing here for some time. It is why Hillary and the PA Dems lost some grassroots support with support and rollover on fracking. I still don’t think that issue, in the face of Trump fascism, was enough for anyone here to vote 3rd party or abstain but it is hard to fight for Dems when they act as

To think, after the decisions he made which lied us into war and killed thousands of people that GWB is suddenly looking.........better? Maybe it was the goofy way he fucked around with his rain poncho at that shit show inauguration that I almost missed that fool.

Perfect analogy.

Trades Union does care at local levels and have been rather successful by focusing there. Example, a municipality in PA, shitty little Township Council race, saw thousands in carpenters union money and guys on the ground poured into the race for 3 seats on a seven member council. It was insane but there was a big

Very interesting theory on the tie-in to neoliberalism policies. Although personally not in favor of neoliberalism, I do understand the pivot. Coming from where I do, an area devastated post NAFTA, when Reagan shut down the air controllers strike in the 80's, it sent a chill through all the unions. Instead of

There is the problem. The leadership. I have represented union members in particular IBEW workers through previous work. Many friends in IBEW that valid grievances will not get filed or the company is so obviously hiring more “management” positions to diminish the union positions that rather than properly grieve it

Therein lies the GREAT question. But I will disagree that Democratic policy is about putting trades out of business. Perfect example, the massive infrastructure bill Obama tried to push for 6 years would provide a plethora of short and long term jobs along with mandated union work. GOP killed it. I do not think in