
No, you are not alone. I really didn’t like this season (even the first half of Season 3 was kind of crappy).

Still think that the League of Robots from Futurama is the best robot party ever!

But didn’t we want Walter White to win? So, do the writers want us to root for Pope to win?

No, Pope shaved his head when Sarah died (which is a new character, that I think, comes along in Season 4. IMO, the writers are trying to ham into the idea that Pope snapped (along with Anthony having PSTD when Danny dies) when Sarah died and blamed Tom. Although, I have to agree, that Tom is a shit leader but the

I really enjoyed watching this video, but I feel that it would have been better if they played this more straight/deadpan and also add one of those scenes (that is usually from a Ken Burn’s documentary) of having a voiceover of someone reading a fake letter from one of the troops and have old black and white photos of