
Yeah, I think it is coming.

Not a bad video but I still prefer the Simpsons’ Treehouse of Horrors version to this one:

All I really want is for this movie to be not Empire 2.0.

To this day I still don’t know why the Netflix shows do this. Are they not allowed to mention the Avengers because of money and/or right issues? Because honestly, I find the term “the Incident” is so fucking stupid. Why would people refer to the only time, in recorded history, that aliens came down and attack NYC? Or

I really don’t know why the guy was a) dress up as Heath Ledger’s Joke and b) why he was carrying a sword around but yeah, I do agree he wasn’t technically wearing a mask. Then again, was this guy out planning to do something horrible, like to go around and stab people with swords?

Had to bring this up didn’t you?

I am currently on the 4th episode and I am kind of enjoying it. I mean I am finding the Meechums really interesting and Colleen Wing is by far much better than Danny, but for me, I am not taking this series really serious (like I would take Jessica Jones or Daredevil). I would say that it is not as bad as what the

Wow, I never thought of reading about St. Francis on Deadspin.

Okay, this is a bit late but doesn’t anyone else is getting a Sybok feeling when they are seeing pictures of Kurt Russel’s Ego?

I think I saw both trailers for this movie. The first one was a bit different than this one- no Stan Lee, no phone call being made, and no showing Wade Wilson (out of costume) walking down the street running into a phone booth, but other than that it’s pretty much similar to this one.

I would say that all cannibals, in most Post Apocalypse movies do know how to throw good BBQs. I would say that it’s sort of their thing.

What is going on in the comics is that there is a cosmic cube used to “turn” Steve Rogers.

I won’t be suprised if they do another Joss Whedon reference with Simmons digging her way out of her own grave. I have been noticing a lot of those on this show lately.

I really dont think they really don’t need his DNA. Just make him synathic but real like (somehow Fitz gave Coulson a hand that looked real but was robotic) as with mind mapping what if it already happened before the fall of SHIELD?

I agree if this is the last season they should go out in a high note.

Yeah, I also want Fitz to be an LMD.

I would love it if the Skrulls are brought onto the show. I mean then we will know for sure that Skrulls do really exist in the MCU!

No, Robot Daisy can’t have any of the real Daisy’s earthquake powers. I mean sure Radcliffe is using the Darkhold and he has found a way to scan/upload memories and personalities into an already freshly created LMD, really fast, but there is no way that he could copy Daisy’s powers, even with the Darkhold being used

This is how I also feel too.

I so want this to happen now.