
This made me laugh out loud. I almost spilled my Hendricks and tonic!

Please. Like none of you ever chased a homeless man down the street and then spit at a cop. What is this, a quilting bee?

At first I thought he had been arrested on stage mid-musical, and now I am sorely disappointed.

#notallhockeyplayers? Anyone?

god i feel this way. i still feel like, 16.

i am as old as Melissa .

This is a double murder, you insensitive monster!!

That looks gorgeous!

I'm completely aghast but as an ACoN I know this obsessive behaviour to tear you down and make you feel like nothing is not beneath them. You're mention of the man in your NPD mother's life rings a little close to home—-when you said it gets worse. I could relate.

This is heartbreaking to hear and I'm so sorry her diabolical ways have led to you losing custody of your children. You and I well know she's probably using the time she has with them to brainwash them.

Dude, how did you fit all of that? Do you have any pictures?

Sounds like an incredible garden!

I don't have any rosemary. I didn't have any room in my pots after planting the lemon balm and mint! I'm jealous of your lemon tree plan, I love lemons. But I live in Michigan. :(

Gardening is so much fun. I got started young-grandparents and mom taught me how to grow things, and also how to kill things. :P Summertime and the eating is easy. I can't wait for fresh tomatoes. My friend who's gardening with me has also never gardened before and I'm really looking forward to teaching her how to

Most people with NPD do not get diagnosed because they see the rest of the world as a problem. I have a mother who I am sure has BPD and NPD(she has diagnoses, but won't share them with us - she claims to have "mild depression and anxiety that make her a stronger person because she fights everyday" lol).

She's something. I never heard of her but because of one tweet I now know she's a model, she's married to Jose Canseco (oooh so lucky!), and she weighs less than 110. And she's so so upset about it! What the German word for pretending to be upset about something that in reality you are soooo psyched about?

The minimum weight limit in my area is 110. Sometimes they'll turn you away at 115. I don't know how tall his wife is, but I've been refused. Granted, there is a big difference between my being 5'2 and 105-110 and being 5'8 and 110. One can seem pretty curvaceous, and the other can seem rail thin.