It sounds crazy, but sometimes I wish they had voluntary debtor’s prison. I am fairly certain I would spend 6 months to a year in jail to wipe out my 6 figure law school debt.
It sounds crazy, but sometimes I wish they had voluntary debtor’s prison. I am fairly certain I would spend 6 months to a year in jail to wipe out my 6 figure law school debt.
I bet it cost more than 1500 dollars to deploy seven U.S. Marshalls. for an hour or two.
Apparently they had to put a cover on the tank because one of them would just crawl out on the regular and go over to another open exhibit to chow down on mussels and starfish!
It kind of freaks me out how smart they are. And who knows what other schemes they are plotting down there...
Poor Kong. And poor ladies. The Seattle Aquarium Octopi are quite determined to get it on, too. A few years ago they had two in a tank separated by a mesh so they could see each other but not hook up. Those crafty octis unscrewed the bolts holding the mesh in place, for their love was true.
As long as they don’t develop lungs, we’re fine.
I love that they’re calling her a “body activist” instead of a hot model who’s just not anorexic. Apparently all you need to be a body activist is to have your chest weigh as much as most models. So brave...
Why can’t men accept impotence as what it so very clearly is? God’s will for them.
I’m with Bill Murray on this one. He wasn’t at a public event or anything. He should be able to enjoy his dinner without people snapping photos WITH THEIR FLASHES ON or at all. This is rude and treating people like objects is always fucked. Plus, they’re going to get plenty of money because of their shitty behavior so…
And don’t take a picture of him while you’re doing it ;)
He probably already gets his face in that microbiome on a regular basis. He’s all set. You’re supposed to rub it on YOUR face.
holy moses my dad was talking about this just a week ago. he was basically all but shaming my mom for having me via c-section and thus robbing me of those potent microbiomes that have left me an emotionally bereft glutten-eating heathen of schlubbiness.
I was 100% Team Adnan Did It. And then I listened to Undisclosed. By episode two I was 100% sure he didn’t. Sarah didn’t even present a fraction of the case and just going off the track dates alone, there is no way he did it. The major thing that I was left wondering at the end of Serial is why Jay would lie. And the…
The man in this story actually hadn’t eaten any doughnuts yet - you don’t get to the doughnuts until you’ve ran 2.5 miles already. So he just straight up had a heart attack, not doughnut related.
My questions is, why is congress’s only recourse to simply beg this asshole to reduce the price of the drug? Doesn’t congress have the power to do something more meaningful? Like regulate drug prices? Or ban price gouging?
I understand that this guy is easy to hate, but I really think he is a distraction. In the grand scheme of things, Martin Shkreli is just a small symptom of a much bigger disease. We pay more for prescription drugs in the U.S. than anyone in any other modern (and not so modern) country. Martin Shkreli didn’t cause…
1. have resting bitch face
MEATSPLAT SEXPLOSION. I plan on dying in one of those.
Well, now that it affects men...
@Jory: I agree that libido can be a powerful driving force (heh?), but there are psychological roots to all human behavior. Women have very powerful libidos as well. Just read any post on here relating to sex, EXCEPT the ones about men cheating. If there is something that makes women lose their collective libido, it's…