David Duchovny is weird but actually really smart.

I think this line of thinking deliberately evades what most other people here have been arguing. The point being made is that having a gun makes it far easier to kill, whether the victim is you or someone else. A mountain of academic and professional studies support this claim—having a gun inherently makes both you

In that specific example, I think I agree. However, if we were comparing a telephone circa 1940 to Alexander Graham Bell’s invention and an iPhone, it seems clear (to me, anyhow) that the iPhone is a far greater advancement from the 1940 phone than a 787 is from a WWII-era plane. But that’s just, like, my opinion,

You’re not alone; I remember seeing a review of a book the other day where the author, a historian at Harvard or MIT I think, posited that the technological changes between 1870 and 1940 dwarf, in many ways, the progress we’ve made since. It’s a solid argument, though it rests largely on the assumption that the

How long have you worked for Facebook?

To be fair, though, planes are basically flying cars and some kinds of cancer are now more or less curable...

I never thought about this but you’re absolutely right. From, like, 2004-2011, my friends would frequently share stories/content/gossip/plans over Facebook just out of practicality. But over the last five years, we’ve communicated mostly via text and email. It’s like we reverted back to 2003.

Even though Facebook (the site) is clearly on its way out in terms of utility and cultural significance, Facebook (the company) is doing just fine. Many of those alternatives that the kids use now are owned by...Facebook.

Couldn’t have said it better. Deadspin really shines when it comes to dick jokes and bears. The rest is extremely hit-or-miss.

No way, Ludacris would NEVER deny the miracle of modern medicine!

It sounds like the real issue here then is with the airline. We all agree people clapping at someone’s terrible misfortune sucks, but it seems like the problem here is not that someone brought a dog on a flight, but that someone was prevented from traveling because the airlines let you bring a dog on a flight. a Wisconsinite, I have to say: this guy is FAR from the “most Wisconsin-sounding” person I’ve ever heard speak.

Maybe...a feminist should vote however the fuck she wants. Because that’s what feminism is all about. No?

Antonin Scalia’s body is going to lie in state at the Supreme Court until Saturday. Do any of the “responsible” “thoughtful” “journalists” at Gawker Media want to apologize for reporting that Scalia would be immediately cremated (which isn’t true) and insinuating that his immediate cremation was possibly due to some

He has no money for schools so they must shut down. Good try, though.

The People don’t have to worry—unlike states, the Federal Government can borrow to pay for programs! Thanks, awesome Founding Father Alexander Hamilton!

Please tell me they’re not sending you to the GOP convention, Albert.

That seems like a lot of work. We could just pass laws to make it much tougher for people to buy and own guns and also run programs like guy buy-backs? I dunno, though. Maybe I’m making TOO much sense?

Good teams almost lose to bad teams all the time, especially in the NBA. Even your “clever”* post can’t make this actual news.

2004, not 2005, was the last time the Panthers were in the Super Bowl.

That’s why warm-weather teams like Tampa Bay, San Diego, Miami, and Arizona do so well every year.