
While I see where you’re coming from, and I generally think that the “Arm Yourself”, “O.K. Corral” mentality can be a little extreme and overly-pervasive in many cases - in *this* case, I can understand the homeowner/gunowner reaching for a gun. When someone breaks into your home - during sleeping hours, no less -

But a lot of burglars are *armed* when they break into people’s home - and don’t hesitate to use deadly force if confronted “by surprise” by a resident of the home. (Remember the sad case of NFL player Sean Taylor, for example?) So, absolutely - there is good reason to feel the need to arm yourself when you suspect

A major reason why many male gymnastics coaches gravitate toward women’s (or girls’) gymnastics is business-related: girls’ gymnastics is a lot more lucrative and profitable than boys’ gymnastics. If you compare the participation levels of girls vs. boys in the sport of gymnastics, the difference is pretty staggering,