
Thank goodness all those genetically modified enhanced bioplastic slime producing molds that thrive on hot air and CO2 are safely locked up and will never get out. It would be terrible if that happened. A shrink-wrapped world would only make sense in a zombie apocalypse.

Calling the right cleanup service provider can also be tricky. They probably shouldn’t go about with the cheapest bidder. Or biggest campaign donor.

They already have the lasers with which to ablate the slime. The scientists are working on the flying sharks. Fortunately the genetically altered brainpans large enough to hold a V8 sized shark brain will provide a surface sufficient to attach them to.

Strip-mining space ‘objects’ probably counts taking, not just as ‘using’.

The old serials resemble comic books. And movies resemble books. Heavily abridged books in Easy English for ADD addicts. The real sabotage was in choosing to support the hyper-mega-central-oligopolized money-grubbing all-in-one-heist model, instead of the much friendlier nickel-and-dime street con small goods and

Chinese Siegfried? Hm.

That looks like it descendend from a roulette wheel, a street-sweeper, a floor buffer machine, an LRV, and an Avrocar with fishtails. And a poor innocent frisbee (probably running away from Dr. Coanda’s lab. But that’s another story. Only added for the effect). :) Can’t say it lacks every pedigree available.

You do. Regularly. And not just to Rio. To teach and to train.

Discipli... what? No. It’s just good manners. There *are* rules and social contracts. Longstanding ones. More structured societies usually have those.

That’s what the villains’ armor used to look like. Does that imply they are no longer “pure”, clear, and ‘plain honest’? O tempura! O Morris! (Old quote. Possibly Irish)

The original (or one or the pioneer) Magnetic Transcranial Stimulation was made with a leftover (US) football helmet, had nail and hand-wound coil electromagnets stuck on with super-glue, and was ‘controlled’ with an Apple-II computer running maybe just Basic. And there were these things called transistors, in those

The wail of unanimous protest from cheesepuffs outraged at the comparison was deafening.

Or how much slower it was ? Earthquakes are probably much faster. ;)

Learn Philosophy. :)

It’s totally as safe as Crisco used to be. But it’s probably not as efficient as WW-I U-Boot axle grease.