Mr. Tracy, can you please go ask Renault about the ‘Alpine Vision’ concept that’s supposed to be coming. No news in a long time other than test mules being spotted recently.
I couldn’t tolerate the shaky camera to watch to the end
That is super weird. Mine is the combination of post-nominal letters and a welsh name.
*317 kph in the rain
I’d suggest rooting around on Reddit for a group or even thread on this topic. It’s a surprisingly common issue for people of our generation. Many just give up or cut the hoarders out of their lives because they don’t know what else to do. I’m sure this is covered there many times, you might find some advice that…
I have the suspicion that tires just can’t handle it yet. They were a major limitation on the old Veyron. Though tire tech has come a long long way in the past 15yrs, I don’t think the hurdle has been cleared yet. They need to work just as well at 5mph as 285mph and that’s a big range.
I’m going with brilliant driver given how slowly it overtook that 10yr old Porsche Cayman
the reddest of necks
Holy beep!
I sort-of kid, but have spent more time there over the years than I’d care to. Once lived in the South Beach Casino for about 3mo!
I’m so confused by something good being in Manitoba.
time for a divorce!
As for relatively modern v12 ferraros the 550/575 is really the only one that does it for me since coachbuilding stopped. The FF is really nice in person but gets shat on by most.
it actually looks scarily like a ford probe. They’re kinda quirky on the inside but was uninspired when I sat in one several years ago. Plus no daytona seats? pff, why bother.
haha, good point. Here’s a much better one currently at $1,500 http://bringatrailer.com/listing/1995-f…
I can’t think of anything on here that’s salvageable. Not sure what the point is; plenty of specialist vendors who part-out better fireraris
Kool-aid man? Is that you?
How to be dumb 101: 100+ mph on damp/cold roads with what look like very minimal-tread tires, on a road with no shoulders.
Looks great, but the headlights are bugging me. Like I’ve seen this somewhere before. Sortof Zenvo. Sortof Porsche Mission E, but neither at the same time. And better executed.