
I think it’s one of those thing you need to be close to and see all the details and craftsmanship that goes in to it. Harry’s Garage on youtubes does a few interesting vids on this topic.

FT-HS. Wish they’d built that, it was a looker. Had a sortof targa roof thing too which was interesting.

Now playing

Every time I see Bernie’s pic, I wonder what’s keeping him alive.

Why would you get this over the AMG GT?

Despite all their troubles, China does know how to get shit done.

Now playing

The interior on the concept looks fantastic as well (3:40 interior starts)

*that .gif of hilariously too many shifts from the drag race scene in The Fast and The Furious*.

11/10 accurate.

It was Oprah. She released the bees, got stung, became a ghost. Though she’s totally got the power to invent ghost bees. Don’t give her any ideas! Now we just need Scooby and the gang to reveal how Oprah is really an old white guy.

It’s like real life Monty Python.

why not both? Figure that one out Scooby Doo.

Doesn’t look like they were very Minnesota Nice about it. Team Camry automatically has his hands behind his head. :-S

at least for the first couple years until they rust in to oblivion.

I wanna see a cayman vs. old-timey 911 now

Maybe, I can’t be bothered with F1 beyond the Bernie hate bandwagon.

you’d think, but then the Italian exotics wouldn’t be the behemoths companies they’ve become.

technically I didn’t say it did.

*weird and rare and some vague possibility of Canadian registration.

Word on the Lotus forums seems to be that there was so much demand for the Evora 400 in the US, that it’s actually delayed production of the non-North-America Evora 410 to get the orders filled. Preordered 400s are just starting to ship to US right now. Positive reception of the 400 is no doubt the cause of this

It’s a bit misleading too. The Lotus car division hasn’t been profitable, but most of their business is consulting for major manufacturers. And there is the F1 arm.