
but the buckets hold you in the corners. Agree about the stereo.

Well we don’t have a GT2 yet, so not likely skipping straight to the GT2RS right away. I’m going with just GT2 with some aero testing.

Or they’re all going to show up for sale in 3 months for twice the MSRP and asinine specs. “Why yes, I would like heated comfort seats and a unnecessary heavy stereo in my GT3 that I will never drive”.

This did start out politely

it’s more fun to aggravate the shit out of you

keep reading past the second word.

That’s actually good to know. Thanks.

It’s fucked up how much money he made as a radio guy at a publicly-funded broadcasting org. If I was a taxpayer there I’d be pissed right off. He’s one of many

I always go for “the first 48". Though partly because I think it’s funny that A&E channel thinks this is Arts & Entertainment.

came here for this

Leroy Jenkins!

Like many things when it comes to personal finance, everyone has to evaluate their own personal situation. There are many many factors in play. Real Estate Value, loan duration, interest rates from the financer vs. your HEL rate, etc. etc.

Sincerely hoping the HS part stands for “Holy Sh!t”


“fully street legal” where, exactly? Dutchyland only? For sure can’t get one in Canada, and the US seems to be no easier for interesting wheeled things.

They’re even closer in Canada, about ~$13K CAD.

....or multiple tattoos, or having more kids in the first place.

Doug, you should come to Canada and hoon around in my two-wheel drive Tacoma with a stick shift and ground effects. It’s a good time!