
read it in his voice. nice.

The crazy angles on the smaller NX actually work pretty well in real life, despite photographs. Not so sure about this guy though. The nose seems to hang way forward of the wheels, and that rear quarterpanel glass looks a bit like the designer had a stroke mid-way

I’ve found a few of these - do you have to make your own ammo though?

did not see that coming

What’s the trick to be able to see what you’re doing underwater? Seems like most locations are dark/murky like that last power armour pic....

Upvote for the Home Improvement reference. I say that all the time and nobody gets it.

They depreciate quickly enough that you can get a used one that qualifies as cheap.

Code Brown for that Camry driver. This a also a good example for why not to have a bunch of loose stuff in your car. Just takes one glass lunch container (etc.) to hit you in the head during the crash and it’s game over for you.

fair enough - the ol’ ‘misinterpreting tone on the internet’ strikes again

I’m not trying to be a dick. Why are you? I’ve looked in to it online, just wondered if Mate knows something that isn’t otherwise reported. Really like these Exiges and they fill an interesting performance/cost/exoticness niche unlike anyone else.

We still have Evoras.

Yeah we should - from what I’ve read the exige line lost some safety exception on the air bags. Evora’s still meet the safety regs.

Do you have backup on the suggestion they’re coming to north america? We can only get the V6cup now that isn’t street legal. I seem to remember something about them not returning for a while due to some bureaucratic safety hoop jumping not getting done...

*topper in mismatched paint*

“died while being trailered” - all the lolz

Holy crap that’s obnoxious.

Still expensive in Canadaland - on par with a brand new 911 Turbo. But not necessarily selling either. Could probably low-ball a dealer who’s had one or two on their books for a year+.

I do, and it hurts my brain. Maybe they’ll depreciate quickish so us not-quite-one-percenters can take a crack at one at some point.

On a tangent to this, I don’t understand the point of the extra 50% cost of the Huracan. I loved the Gallardo, even if it was arguably an underdog from a tech point of view, especially towards the end of its life. In the middle of the Gallardo’s life, the V10 R8 came along, which was largely the same car under the

That’s a good pro tip.