
Does S-FR stand for small-FR-S? Seriously though I think it’s alright, but can’t possibly go fast enough to make that wing do anything meaningful. Reminds me of the Cappuccino and Beat kei cars from the glory days...

Didn’t even try to counter-steer. WTF?

SVs have typically been on the V12 lineup. Might this be called a Superleggera in the theme of the Gallardo?

2002’s are a hair over 2000lbs, M2 is 3450. Not quite double, but who’s counting.

Over heavy for sure. Only 150lbs lighter than my Tacoma. Why?

I don’t understand disclaimers! Argh!

Just went through this location on the weekend myself. Really liked it! So many bathroom scales.

Just got this last night - picked up in conversation from a passing guard at Diamond City.

I don’t understand why they would bother detuning it. It’s like making an extra effort to get less.

No I mean the one beside the Vette in the Trufiber booth.

Gawd, the ones on that red Mustang don’t even fit! Looks like homemade crap. At least this 911 has wheels to match the flares...

What wheels are on that orange S14?

yeah - that’s a 2000lb car. I can dig the wheels but those brakes actually make it worse for performance probably.

What about that 15 year old Panoz for $900K + tax?

He’s just a guy writing content about some other content he found on the internet.

Damn Vin, that’s savage. I laughed.

the video seems exceedingly fake. Dude’s riding slow, cop is ready to go, and someone is just conveniently filming the whole thing.

Agreed - probably in this case though it’s due to the difficulty of actually getting to the spark plugs in the first place.

reasonably high chance that the original was 1) removed in some sort of accident, allowing for this to be slightly more economical as a drift car 2) removed because of a higher risk of eventual damage for resale reasons

nine-bazillion-percent agree. This thing is horrific in my eyes.