Dumbasses Concede Congressional Control
Dumbasses Concede Congressional Control
Lines, holdups and inconvenience are a *feature*, not a bug - they serve to remind you how much security is needed... to justify the TSA.
I’ll tell ya you can get pretty good look at a butcher’s ass but I wouldn’t want to stick my head up there! Wait, it’s gotta be your bull. Shut up, Richard.
Ya know, I thought this post couldn’t get any more confusing, but lo and behold...
Out of all the characters in this story, I think I like the bulldog the most.
Why would they shutter Ram when people in the US are dying to buy pickups?
It’s a long term approach, but I still think the easiest way to get single-payer through is to allow people to buy into medicare at 50. Just talk about the problem with older people being unable to get jobs with benefits and letting them still get health insurance they pay for. Then allow health insurance companies to…
If you think anybody would kill Ram you are delusional.
Next step: hire little people as teachers so that the bats seem normal size.
Opposing the Soviet Union
I’m sorry, this whole thing is completely ridiculous. Every single character on the show is a stereotype of something, and Apu is one of the more sympathetic ones at that. On a show filled with complete idiots and sociopaths, Apu has always been written as one of the smarter, more self-aware characters on the show.
Trump is succeeding on this one, but the editorial policy of the platform requires them to bash him.
First: It seems like Trump may have gotten us a better deal. Why bash him for this item?
The fact they allowed him to ride after he missed the riders’ meeting exposes them to MORE liability, not less.
You’d know about propaganda, pissbaby.
This isn’t really hating on black people at all. It’s a group of girls having fun singing along to a popular song.
He even looked mad on his way to the park
Here is a sneak peak of JPP in a Bucs jersey:
Domino’s appears to be a-Noid with him.