
You write about verses being important and not liking contemporary hip-hop because many artists are not able to rap; yet, you state that Khaled, a man who does not produce, rap or write, is the greatest person in hip-hop. Yes, I know you are judging a man you do not know by his persona. I do not hate Khaled (why is

The article is absolutely ridiculous. Why are black women obsessed with police who he dates anyway? Drake's mother is a white woman.

Lol, so the thirteen percent of black men who voted for Trump are why he won and not the thirty percent of Hispanics or seventy percent of white people? It does not phase me either way. Hillary Clinton is a war criminal with a terrible political history.

Oh my gosh, it really is really not that serious. I see that people are right back to being worried about stuff that really is not important. Isn't this the same website that wrote something about the "woke" white barber? Why are you now vilifying her for being a Beyonce fan? The reason why we have so many terrible

What is a MRA, PUA or a red pill? You are the dumb for comparing a O.J.'s murder trial that resulted that way it did because of jury nullification (look it up) to a civil rape trial where her own fucking roommate stated that she was lying. Your bullshit projections are the reason why Trump won.

I really believe that the majority of Trump voters are misogynistic and racist, but those hacked emails really expose Hillary Clinton as being corrupt.

Lets not even pretend that Hillary Clinton is a great candidate. Yes, white people are racist as hell, but for white women to reject their own in favor of a misogynistic, racist white man really says a ton. Hillary Clinton has always been an extremely flawed, problematic candidate. She wants to have a no-fly zone on

Well, guess what? You were not there while roommate was. You are reaching to think that you know more than she does. You are calling him a rapist when the jury and three of the accusers friends stated that she is lying. Trying to legitimize false claims also is a way of discrediting ACTUAL rapists.

Hillary Clinton is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with the political system. Trump being terrible is not compelling enough for me to vote for Hillary Clinton. I have already voted, but it was not for either of the two. The Democratic party had the opportunity to show some integrity in the primaries, but

Text messages with proper grammar and great syntax? In addition, her roommate who was there that night stated that she heard extremely sexual moaning in the room. You are reaching way too much, and that only discredits actual victims of rape.

What incompetence from the accuser's attorney? If you are speaking about hiding the text messages that the judge says make her look less than credible, that is intentional. In addition, her ex-roommate, who was there the night that is in question, states that she is lying about everything.

She stated that she was unconscious. If you are unconscious, you are not alert or even up and functioning. You are not able to send text messages if you are unconscious.

Uh, you have not read the specifics of the case. If you did, you would know that the accuser's ex-roommate, who was there the night that is in question, stated that the accuser is lying. In addition, the accuser attempted to hide text messages that showed her asking for money the morning afterwards and text messages

The country is going the same way no matter which one becomes president, so all of the fear mongering about Trump is futile.

No, the trial court states that she admitted to having slept with him the morning after after initially saying otherwise. They go on to imply that as the reason for the jury's acquittal. The official court document is below.

The case file says that she slept with him the morning afterwards as well.

Thank you! They will not just have their opinions (opinions with nowhere near all of the evidence by the way) and proceed to leave people the fuck alone. They are calling people rape apologists and what not for not labeling a man acquitted in the justice system of a rapist.

Trial transcripts are hundreds of pages long, so whatever you read is surely not the entire scope. It is beyond arrogant to think that you have as much insight as the jury.

I really do not get the whole stance you are taking about being found not guilty does not mean that you are innocent but does also not mean that you are guilty. If that is the case, then what is the significance of a trial and verdict? As for the George Zimmerman stuff, there are huge differences between how sexual

Andy Samberg has not even been nominated for an Emmy for his role on Brooklyn Nine-Nine.