Anyone able to give a rough idea what the Russian lady was laughing about?
Anyone able to give a rough idea what the Russian lady was laughing about?
Please join me in a silent prayer for his speedy recovery. We’re all pulling for you, Rudy, and you’ll always be America’s mayor.
Little known fact; Corpse Grinder was a Mousketeer when he was a kid. It’s true, Google it.
Jesus Christ that’s a huge sword that guy’s carrying around.
I’ve been running this “social experiment” since quarantine started. I have alcohol with every meal, including breakfast, and cocktails every night. The only thing I’ve learned from this experiment...I love drinking.
Weinstein has Twitter in prison??
Grammys still exist? Weird.
All three seasons of Daredevil were excellent! And then the show was stolen from us. Well, we’re not going to let them steal this show from us. Come join, everyone! Stop the steal! Let’s get it trending! #stopthesteal
Rumor is he had a brief affair with Ann Coulter. That’d probably count.
Oh...I assumed she married Tom Petty.
Randy’s white, so clearly you have your answer.
To be fair, we’re going to be dead soon-ish and you can’t take your stars with you when you go. Gotta use ‘em now!
Lousy first-person shooting levels aside, “Heavenly Sword (?)“ was pretty good. Replayed like a year ago.
What you talkin’ ‘bout, Jeff?!?
Quarantined since November 2019?
A few years ago when she was promoting the most recent Halloween sequel at Comic Con and she went into the audience to hug a fan who claimed watching her in Halloween helped him know what to do when he was in a real life or death situation.
Fake news! They’re not really twins. I demand to see the birth certificates.
Charlie looks so uncomfortable standing there in drag.
What the hell is Fatman? With Mel Gibson and Walter Goggins?!? Where did that thing come from?
Ja Rule will be the next Black Panther. Bet on it.