
No, but they sure as hell can open up the other two scanners immediately next to the two they’re currently staffing. How many times have you passed through a security check point during a busy time and seen only half the lanes open?

Oh yeah? So you’re keeping your eye out for the next 8 inch smartphone?

If it’s on your wrist you don’t have to have a hand free to look at it. If you’re on the road all the time you don’t have to do that little fidget dance in your seat to pry your phone out of your pocket when you get a random text or email to see if it’s important. If you track metrics then it can actually collect


Thank you, and let me add that I’m genuinely impressed by your civility.

You’re right, 1.4 out of 5 and 1.8 out of 5 are worlds apart. It wasn’t 20% of people surveyed, it was “over one in five”, so somewhere between 1 and 1.5 people as compared to “nearly two in five”, so somewhere between 1.5 and 2 people.
If you wanted to be more accurate in your counterargument, you would need to say

Early risers also experience less insomnia; over one in five morning people have insomnia, compared to nearly two in five night owls.

Oh, video interviews.... I once did a video interview with a panel in a completely different state. First we spent 15 minutes staring at each other because they’d emailed me a test right as the interview started, told me they were waiting on one more person, and silly me, I didn’t think they wanted me to fill it out

Zaphod, is that you?


Those directions seem a little... hand-wavy *badump-chh*

It sounds like you like to help people, and you like to do it by matching them up with the correct service - helping people find books and use the library facilities, helping people research trips and hotels, versus working in the background providing a service as a janitor or assembler. Perhaps you should be looking

Does no one say “atch”? I thought that’s what you did so people knew you meant “@” and not “at”...

hashtag renaminghappensconstantly

*92.4% of people make up statistics.

Countering all the positive State Department reviews, the last time I applied for a passport it took a full year because the State Department has segregated its ‘customer service’ people from its ‘people with real power’ to such a degree that despite the fact they took all my documentation, lost it, and then sat on my

And then it got 40% of the way and came to a complete stop. And then I rebooted and lost my place in line... Man, being an impatient early adopter is WORK.

What to say instead:
I agree, for we are sheeple. Come, share this kool-aid with me!

I had a salaried job where I was on call 24/7 for months at a time, and my department blew through managers like cling wrap. At one point my current manager told me that I had to start sending him emails when I ‘clocked in and out’ because my previous manager didn’t believe I was getting my 40 hours a week in (though