Safeway most popular in Florida?? What are you smoking... It’s Publix country down here.
Or my Volkswagen Tiguan after 15 days.... The forgot to weld the b pillar crossbar.
Gift her a 300 bps modem
She weighed more than the driver.... Simple weight distribution
Tony Stewart is probably involved somehow.
Did he use independent contractors on DS II?
Local abbreviation is JAX - we'll use it for local postage "Jax, FL 32202"
Foles has zero interceptions in the first five days of camp....Bortles house is still on the market, dropped price by $75,000....
Slow news day in Jacksonville? Must be no tractor pulls in town this weekend.
On a smaller scale in terms of games, but does show some similarities to what the Jaguars are doing wanting to play two games in London.
My mother met my father at a Krystal in Jacksonville 1970 - she a college student and he a Krystal shift manager... Still happily married almost 50 years later and we all love Krystal gut bombs, grandkids included.
Well this beats cockroach milk...
I don’t disagree on her background- just pointing out that she is Catholic and not Protestant.