He and that Kaely Cucco girl from Big Bang dated for like a hot minute. Seriously, as soon as it was known that they were a thing, they weren’t.
I think I get why his girlfriend is a teenager.
Dear gods, is this perfect timing. This past summer, my best friend suddenly became hostile and unfriendly; no warning, no explanation, no anything. Then I found out that she had been excluding me from activities we used to do with two other gfs, and then posting their fun on Facebook for me to see. This put the other…
I support you in this. I think I’m in the process of ghosting my best friend of 20 years, even though I am anti-ghosting. There are things that I just can’t deal with any more. I don’t feel like she respects my time or me as a person. I feel like she only calls me when she is stuck in traffic. She has a history about…
Or nah.
It was six or seven years ago that I cut off a toxic female friend like a tumor. I practically ghosted her (except for the phone message cancelling our next outing). I had repeatedly told her we were not the same person, I did like other things (that she didn’t), I didn’t always want to go to a party or “thing” with…
My ‘spiritual’ friend dumped me when I got chronically ill. Because it says so in The Secret, you shouldn’t consort with sick people because it will attract more sickness. Some spiritual people are sick in the head. Namaste cuntface!
I will never understand the sexy schoolgirl thing. It’s like, “Okay guys, feel free to act out your pedophilic fantasies crime-free!”
The Teflon attitude is typical of narcissists and sociopaths. Where most people would pause and think, they are so arrogant and think very little of everyone else...they do absolutely blatant things that are unbelievable. And then lie again. The concept of "oops" or "my bad" is not part of their makeup.
“The problem is not the women. I am a sex-positive feminist and so are most women in the game industry...The issue is, this is wildly inappropriate at a professional networking event.”
Look Microsoft, having a “women in gaming” lunch is great! But you can’t use that as a sheild when you then make women incredibly uncomfortable in the spaces where a lot of networking connections are going to get made.
Having eroticized female dancers at a professional gathering is gross enough, but the “sexy schoolgirl” thing is extra disgusting.
Some just out of college bro marketing coordinator just lost his job.
“Only I get to decide if I’m humiliated or not — why would people assume I am humiliated by my own breast, nipple or body?” she said. “I didn’t realize my boob was such a big deal — it was nothing to me.”
Asshole be stupid. Good for the judge. He should have paid attention to the terms of bail, which everyone knows anyway. You can’t leave. Period.
No, these things only happen in New York! Only New York has weird people, crowds, subways, pigeons and homeless people! Don’t ruin their dream! They need to justify that 3500/month rent somehow.
It’s sad, but not at all surprising. I’m a small business owner, and many of my suppliers are men. About a year ago I created the alias ‘Dick Berns’ to use in purchasing. Since then I’ve found that on average my orders ship 2 days faster and cost 6% less when the person on the other end of the transaction thinks that…