Penelope Rockatansky

Is there some tie between Russell and Dairy Queen?

I thought this ending was sort of lame. I enjoyed this show overall, but it does “cheat”, and it’s characters are inconsistent. For instance, the way Russell reacted to Gamby saying he was the killer last episode felt like it was manipulated in a way to trick the audience and create conflict, and not true to how he

Keep waiting. 2049 is not that film.

This was a fine and funny episode, but it felt like a letdown overall. I like where things ended up, but HOW they got there feels like a complete misfire and a major example of the show’s biggest flaw.

I know this isn’t the right spot for this, but... this site kinda sucks now. The new format is ass, I can’t find anything. There’s an advertisement everytime I open up a page, and it looks worse. Why have they done this? The Avclub was my favorite site in the world for years, now I’m struggling with using it.

I have a tendency to find myself not very interested in Ridley Scott’s opinions on matters of character and storytelling, and wish he’d just stick to making pretty pictures.

I’m so glad we got to see him again in Twin Peaks. His performance conveyed a gentle, empathetic sadness that I wish we could have seen more of. RIP.

That’s probably not it.

“There should never be another episode of Twin Peaks.”

Obligatory UK Office was better comment.

It is going to take another six, eight years for the media to realize that video coverage is often inefficient, and there should be a text transcript for 80% of it. If it can be told in text, tell it in text, because text is speed variable, less intrusive, and inexpensive for density.

I immediately thought Audrey looked better in that lost shot than when she’s made up. She actually looked more like Audrey.

I think Chrysta Bell is a horrible distraction; her acting is awful. Different strokes!

I always thought invading the US via our midwestern high schools was a sure-fire strategy!

Damn dud I didn’t think it was possible for a Grey Lister to be so wrong. ‘What the site had become?’. This actually was perfect disitillation of why 500 600 people posting conjointly during the middle of the day. (Even Will Harris popped in). That was first almost a kind of “stand” to keep posting during the

Somebody’s finally given me a reason to talk about all my hot takes on the very niche genre of Twin Peaks podcasts. I think I’ve tried every Twin Peaks podcast. Idle Thumbs’ is by FAR the best. “The Gifted and the Damned” comes out the quickest, but the two have exactly one “bit” they do, and their dynamic is

Trying this out AGAIN because I can’t tell if my comments are even showing up or being “approved.” Is this even working? This is a nightmare.

Penny! We’re glad you’re here!

Hey, you’re here!

And for those with no taste.