Penelope Rockatansky

I hate this shit.

I don't tweet at all.

If we're going by Mad Men, some writers should break away and form their own "Dissolve" again.

If we're going by Mad Men, some writers should break away and form their own "Dissolve" again.

If we're going by Mad Men, some writers should break away and form their own "Dissolve" again.


I really don’t understand why Kinja even exists. Why not just have no comment section?

TBH, I don’t get what the point of merging them was. I can’t look at my comments pre Kinja.


I despise this.

I figured it out.


This is so much worse than I imagined.

I did it?

Goodbye loves.

I signed up

How does one get into the TI

I'll give it a shot

Univision: Comment section, it's all over! Your mission is a failure, your lifestyles too extreme. I'm your new commander, you now are my prisoner! We return to Kinja, prepare the transit beam!

I heart your profile pic