Angharad Blaidd

Hopefully tomorrow morning George RR Martin updates his Livejournal with news that Winds of Winter is finally finished. It’s gotta come out before next season, right? There can’t be THAT many banquet scenes to write.

(Spoilers inc.)

she knew it was gonna happen eventually thanks to the prophecy she heard as a girl. now a younger brother is gonna kill her. (jaime is a few minutes younger fyi)

“Welp.” - Mace Tyrell

Well now I know why they call it King’s Landing.

Season 7 opens with Jorah running into Gendry, who’s been rowing this whole time

“Yo where the fuck am I” - Jorah Mormont

Favorite lines from this episode:

Yeah, that line is the perfect distillation of the absurdity of the “fake victim” claims.

That’s why I loved the “GG shits pants” in the post title. Because nothing better describes these twits than a baby sitting in it’s owned shitty diaper and crying for it to be changed. Save the babies are teenagers/adults who actually should know better than to purposefully shit themselves; yet they continue to do so

Fine then. Watch my 49 minute youtube video called “Why feminists are ruining gaming” where I talk about that one girl who didn’t date me that one time. Also, I don’t play video games.

Unless you want to burn some bridges with people you might be connecting yourself to long-term, I’d suggest the “kill them with kindness” approach, even if your S.O. doesn’t currently care about his family’s opinion of you. Victory can be so much sweeter that way.


what a bunch of babies