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Wonder if I can say the n-word (wait for real?)
Wait, can I really say the n-word?
What up, my nigga? (woo)
What up, my nigga? Big ups, my nigga
We up, my nigga, you pussy ass nigga
Man, fuck y’all niggas, ‘cause I’m that nigga
Nigga, nigga, nigga, I’m that nigga

Awesome. Be afraid gun nuts. Be very afraid. The NRA can and will be defeated.

Is that really the best you can do? “I hate it when it gets dark at 4 PM in winter!” Wah, wah, wah! Tell me, what are you going to do outside with that extra hour of daylight? “I was going to fire up the grill and make steaks for dinner but now I can’t because it’s dark!” Give me a fuckin’ break!

Sorry. Snark-o-meter was on overload.

Go sell it in Hong Kong gameboy!

So, the choice is between watching every second of every show being offered or never finding out what happened. Do I have that right? There’s no third option? Like, I don’t know, reading a plot synopsis on the internet? Guess that never occurred to you, huh?

I posted that because the article I replied to was posted on DEADSPIN. I know that any and all articles can show up on any platform. But to post articles about VIDEO GAMES on a sports blog is insane. Competitive video games, in and of themselves, are fine. I spent years of my life playing Tecmo Bowl. But they don’t

According to a 2015 Associated Press Study, the average MLB salary is over $4 million/year. I wish I could join a union that fucked me over as badly as the MLBPA has fucked over its membership.

I’m sorry, but esports is a joke and any inclination you may have at all about gambling on it makes you a fool with a serious gambling problem.

Thank you. You are too kind.

Thank you. I was going to point out that kids have been playing cowboys and Indians and cops and robbers for generations and I don’t remember there being any significant bloodshed out of that.

My biggest gripe about playoff seedings has to do with division winners with bad records being seeded higher than non-disivion winners with better records. Yes, I think that if you win your division, you sholuld be guaranteed a playoff spot. But that’s all. You do not get a guarantee of a home playoff game/series. Why

No one gives a shit about wins and losses in the minors.

What if a pitcher is working on a perfect game? The game completes 9 innings with the score tied at 0. Does the pitcher automatically lose his perfect game as soon as the 10th inning starts? Without ever throwing a pitch? And what if the pitcher retires the 3 men he faces (thus preserving the perfect game) but the

What do you expect from the guy? He comes from one of the biggest party schools in the country to Jacksonville. You ever been to Jacksonville? Applebees and the 8-screen movie theater is all they have. That and the beach. And drinking. You can literally drive down a road in Jacksonville with million dollar homes on it

Why bother to go at all if you don’t want to be there?

Yet even if Arrieta’s aging curve is as steep as those the Phillies witnessed with Roy Halladay and Roy Oswalt, his contract will be off the books before it has a chance to significantly limit their ability to accommodate future contracts. They now have $67 million in salary commitments for 2019 and $58 million

Good point.

Nice essay. Now, here’s my rebuttal.