Pending Approval

Oh please, spare me. All Janet Jackson has to do is record a commercially viable song and you’ll see how fast her career resurrects. There isn’t a record label on this planet that would refuse to publish a Janet Jackson record if she had anything new that people wanted to hear.

So, it’s funny when Alex Trebek makes fun of nerd culture in a mean-spirited way but it’s absolutely horrid when The Big Bang Theory makes fun of nerd culture in a light-hearted way? Got it.

Always remember that billionaires don’t care about you.

Just remember, no matter what anybody says or does, nothing is worse than a Philly fan.

So you were 1-1 in your picks last week, huh? Which game did you miss?

There’s no way this kid’s school mates don’t call him a fag by Monday.

At least Trump lusts after his daughter. He’s not an incestuous faggot.

This is seriously disgusting. I never once kissed my dad on the mouth for 5 seconds. I never once kissed my dad on the mouth! Did he slip him the tongue too?

Good for her! And she looks good without hair! Ditch the wig and be your own proud self!

So let me get this straight. You’re calling out a Philly sportswriter for writing meaningless bullshit? Isn’t that like all of the sportswriters who write how terrible Philly fans are because they threw snowballs at Santa Claus? How come you don’t write about them? Oh, I forgot. You probably are one of them.

Didja ever check out the soccer crowd? They ooooooooh and aaaaaaaaaaaah when their team ‘almost’ registers a shot on goal! “Wasn’t that exciting?!! We almost got a shot on goal there!!!”

Don’t put any TVs in at all would be a good place to start.

Unless you happen to be that regular with clicker control. Then it’s the best.

If you’re talking about chain sports bars, you’re correct. Individually owned, dive, hole-in-the-wall bars have the best food and are awesome to watch the games.

I saw The Warriors for the first time in a bar. There’s something about that movie that just seems to go hand-in-hand with bars.

Whenever I go out and see a bunch of people sitting together at a table, at least half of them have their heads buried in their phones. I guess the TV is there to entertain the rest of us while the rude people text.

This will probably be a big payday for Nick Foles too. If the Eagles win the Super Bowl, Foles is gone. He isn’t going to start in front of Wentz and he’s not going back to the bench either. Somebody somewhere is going to trade for him. Even if he loses but plays well, he’ll most likely be gone. Which means extra

I don’t like the team name and I hate the uniforms. Too drab. Too bland. Not showy enough. It’s like they sat around a table and said “OK. Team name. Throw something out that doesn’t remind you of anything and has nothing to do with hockey or gambling or Vegas or the desert. Golden Knights? Gotcha! Now, what’s a good