
Interest waned? In America? For a Nintendo theme park? Really? >_>

Get over yourself. I’m a Hillary supporter that plans on voting with the party.

It makes me hopeful that Justice Kennedy will rule HB2 unconstitutional. Honestly though waiting to find out is going to make me insane. Every time I think about it I feel nauseous. I am hopeful that we are moving in the right direction but the fact that HB2 even exists is troublesome.

Good, good! This gives me hope that the country is finally headed towards the right direction.

Well you know...

See, I watched the ID channel’s play-by-play using all original footage—aired last Saturday night—of the whoooole shebang, and I walked away thinking, “holy hell—he really did it and got away with it!”

This reminds me of the guy who did the sketch of Steven Avery and then had it framed next to Avery’s mug shot.

Between this and the ugliness spewing from Trump supporters, I’m losing faith in humanity

The fact that he wanted the case number engraved on the frame just adds that little soupcon of horror to the otherwise unmitigated disgust I feel.

Only a defendant who was found guilty can have a new trial if evidence supporting his innocence has been found. The state cannot do that. They have one chance to get their case right (unless its a mistrial) and that’s it, otherwise you end up with a circus of trial after trial like in the Amanda Knox case in Italy.

The cop told the friend about the knife and said he was getting it framed to put on his wall.

From the Valdosta Daily article (via the Colorlines link), as to why the removal was not racially motivated:

Me neither; I’m surprised at how little attention it got. It’s gonna get worse from here. Give Trump another month or two and not only will he be throwing people out of his rallies based solely on race, he’ll be openly bragging about it.

Kinja hijacked my draft, basically. The final draft I have has been restored.

Anyone else watch this episode of Fresh Off The Boat? The panic is real!