
My concern is that we are going about this on a case-by-case basis with major NCAA athletic schools instead of realizing this is a systemic problem and an overarching culture that nearly all of these schools are complicit in creating and maintaining. I worry that exposure and overhaul at a few major programs (but,

It’s all good. No need to be uncivil. I got what he was saying. No misunderstanding or offense on my end. It was a rhetorical device that didn’t quite land right. No harm done.

Oh the “Fuck you” was directed at the coach.

I’m not defending the coach, but


The coach fucking knew her son raped her before even talking to the know your son is that much of a monster and do fuck all.

I guess Ken Starr only gets involved when it's consensual.

Patty Crawford is a nice woman but Title IX in general is trash. I was raped last year in April and I went to title IX the day after it happened and at first she was nice and helped me get in contact with counseling services, student life services, and other resources but it was mostly because I was asking for the

The problem in this case is that Waco is very much a company town. There really just isn’t much else going on. Add on to that the fact the the county is pretty much a judicial cesspool begging for a DoJ investigation (notice how nothing real came out of the ‘biker shootout’ that left score of people dead and over a


Okay, so no school has ever truly been punished for being in violation of Title IX. Though most schools are in some way non-compliant, maybe it’s time to finally give them a reason to take this shit seriously. Let’s see how much Baylor can spend on new stadiums when they’ve lost all federal grant money.

I saw the story’s title and immediately thought “Diana Moskovitz wrote this”, and then “Man, Baylor’s fucked.”

In fairness, Baylor is a Baptist school so they already spend a fair number of dollars investigating and preventing on-Campus dancing.

Wait, you’d believe that Jimmy Haslam might commit fraud?

“The fact that people are saying we lied about (Johnny Manziel’s) concussion is false’’

Remember the five...


That’s odd. When I’m too drunk, my wife tends to put me on the physically unable to perform list.

Actually, I’m fine with both reports being true. I like the idea of a guy who drinks so fucking hard, he gives himself a goddamn concussion.

They need to put him through the Craig James’s kid protocol and just lock him in a shed between practices. Though at this point, it seems the Manziel story is more likely to end the way Craig James’s time in college did.