Eh, I've wished I were a man cause life would be easier at times. Doesn't mean I think women are lesser, sometimes we're just done with having to fight the fight all the time.
Eh, I've wished I were a man cause life would be easier at times. Doesn't mean I think women are lesser, sometimes we're just done with having to fight the fight all the time.
I also loved what Kate Beckinsale is wearing, but I often like her picks.
I think someone piped her dress onto her with a pastry bag.
I really wish the stills had picked up on the shimmer to this dress, it really added some dimension to it and looked stunning when she was being interviewed.
This looks like what Andy from Pretty In Pink would wear if she had to go to another prom.
Sorry, Kerry looks awful - she needs to borrow the pregnancy style of Jessica Alba:
It fits! And is a flattering colour! And her makeup is great! IT IS A GOLDEN GLOBES MIRACLE!
While pregnant I had a very vivid dream in which I gave birth to a healthy kitten.
I was gonna say Maya is a better writer than Cat Marnell.
This is a white woman's version of a big butt. To be honest, I don't think her's is real. Something about it seems too stiff and she has almost no hips. A ratio like that butt with no hips is very uncommon.
That butt is not the product of genetics.
I see things like this and I wonder: How does one have so much free time in which to be so self absorbed? I barely have time to do my own laundry, let alone spend all day try to take flattering pictures of my own ass.
"Fixed?" You're kidding, right?
I would seek a waiver of that requirement.
What if we were all compelled to be on TV for a brief period of our lives? Would we all stop trying so hard to be famous?
There are no cats in america... and the streets are paved with cheese!