
My wife nearly died carrying our daughter. Bedrest was mandatory the last 3 months, and then during a routine checkup we were scheduled for a C-section (a month before the due date) because my wife’s kidneys had shut-down, and other organs were in the process of doing so. Once my daughter was delivered—my wife’s body

You don’t even mention the moral/environmental imperative to only have one child in a “first world” environment. The impact of our lifestyle is enormous, the choice to have only one child is one that benefits the world.

The right, or for that matter politically-oriented comedy, doesn’t have a monopoly on bad comedy. That’s not the point. The point is that conservatives have no good comedy.  None.  

In any sane country, Hillary Clinton would be a conservative.

My 86-year old Jewish mother would beat me with her cane if she saw “Latke Starter” in my kitchen.

Wow, if I didn't know that was his fiancee I'd think it was his sister. They look very similar.

is it just me, or do they kind of look alike?

It's like a racial Victor Victoria.

Twat would you like in your coffee?

I am a huge Buffy fan. But Buffy is hugely white.

If you don't like the show, don't watch it...and maybe don't click on articles about it just to complain about how much you hate it? No one is forcing you to care about Girls.

I'm only slightly ashamed to say I'd do the same thing for $250k.

You know what I find so weird about every discussion about this shit? Almost every article that mentions Soon Yi refers to her as "Mia Farrow's adopted daughter". Why do they do this? If you adopt, that child is your child. Why is it never "Mia Farrow's daughter"? I feel like throwing in the "adopted" label serves as

Yeah, at one point he says

I disagree; Allen's relationship with Soon-Yi Previn is relevant. It shows he is willing to break a constellation of taboos and is genuinely bewildered that anyone has a problem with it. In other words, he puts his own wants before any norms of behavior and ahead of other people's feelings.

I think his relationship with Soon-Yi Previn could be argued as relevant. Another adopted child from the household, much younger than him.... come on.

I have a three-week old baby. So the answer is: Never. You never need to shower.

God, I hate showering. Especially in the winter. 2-3 times a week is all I need, and I have to really psych myself up for them. I am all about dry shampoo on my hair, and only really get it wet once a week, when I just wash with conditioner. All of thisbresults in people commenting on how soft my skin is and how

Easy - do I have to walk home a ways from the gym? Yes. During that walk (and since I had to stretch a lot before leaving because I am getting old and require stretching) did my sweat-wicking clothes dry out? Yes. Am I heading home with no where public to be until next day? Yes. No shower until morning. PLUS,

In the middle of all this handwringing over your friend's consensual sexual activities,