Pen And Moon

Do you have mold in your house? That’s the only thing that comes to mind. I kept getting sick over and over one year and the symptoms were all over the place. Found a slow leak between the walls and had black mold and mushrooms(!) growing in there.

Late to the social but this is the worst and I’m terribly sorry for your loss. *BIG HUGS*

That and most people tend to forget these are actors. They just happen to be fucking, but they are acting at least a little.

Oh man, Tumblr hates Erika Moen. But, then again, Tumblr.

Pfft, gold.

I didn’t watch the show but all of the goddamn endless promos were cringe levels of embarrassing.

I kind of want this to be what breaks the country. I’m down. Let’s do this.

Only when he’s sitting up to get the remote.

Best comment.

I think more nostalgia has made it “good” in my mind. I saw the movies with friends and we were all having a great time in high school for once. So nice, rosy memories surround it. But I get the hate. It deserves the hate, lol.

...I’m not going to lie, I’d still wear that hoodie if I had it. My friend had a shirt with that on there and she wore it up into college days.

Oh man, this was back in the Lemon and Lime days!!

William Dafoe pulls off drag better than I thought he would. I remember watching it for...who knows how many times (I was 16 when it came out and it was THE movie besides The Craft!) and thinking “man, William is just killing this movie and he’s dressed up in drag and rolling on the ground like a lunatic!”

Just reporting in to laugh at the name “Hugfart” because I have the humor of a four year old. Carry on!

I see his racket now! We’re on to you, Carson!!

That thing looks like it would fall apart if you leaned on it wrong.

Karma bomb.

Isn’t this the same woman who flipped out over another couple using her song at their wedding and they had to delete videos or something? I’m sure Google can help my goldfish memory but...eeeeh.

Twenty blocks is a long distance. I’ve walked eight in heels before and thought I was going to die. Having some stranger scream at me for that long? Jesus Christ.

This man shouldn’t touch anyone. Gross.