
He was a real movie star badass until the first bullet came his way, then the “bad boys” act became all Joe Pesci in Lethal Weapon like...

I spent years trying to get anyone around here (Las Vegas) to explain the Rebel mascot to me with no success. I tried to explain the Lincoln connection, the free state connection, the fact that the state flag was union blue and was “battle born” during the Civil War as an obvious union state, all to blank faces. Good

That damn Benedict Cumberbatch playing Sherlock! Step aside man (Just saying)

I watched a BBC “Julius Caesar” a few years ago that had an all black cast. What percentage of Britain is white and how far off the mark is British TV from that percentage? Just curious really...

The Bridge or the Killing for starters. Not the US ones obviously. Maybe “Those who kill” if you can find it.

Us Office better than UK Office. Lost me right there. (Not to mentionsvuand other crappy NBC ”shows” good lord!

I believe I meant the cotton candy glossy color-coded “pundits” that dominate the picture...because short skirts and fake tans are all about some serious news and hot takes. But sure.


“Overly manicured idiots!” Exactly what I was thinking, it “overly privileged” is what came out. How can these porcelain dolls look themselves in the mirror each day and have an ounce of self respect for themselves?

I wonder at the combined IQ of the 5 political “pundits” in that picture from Fox News above actually is? That widescreen piture contains so much privilege and just “special snowflake-ness” (quoting myself here) that it blows my mind.

Never had a problem myself, my main point was not understanding why more people don’t listen to podcasts in the first place, regardless of how they get it. Not sure why the apple app works so well for me and not others, that said I much preferred my Zune, but what the hey.

I am more stunned by how many people do not use/listen to podcasts The only reasoning own my iPod is for that reason and a little for music and net surfing, but that’s about it. Unless you have zero interests or hobbies I just don’t get it. But, actually that wouldn’t surprise me now that I think of it..

Its Gawker. They hate any and every one. Gervais doesn’t even want to host so he keeps seeing how far he can go to get away from it, but they keep bringing him back. He skewers the rich and priveledged but unlike Gawker sites, people actually know who Gervais is. Basically if you are white, Gawker will hate you is

This is satire, now I know why there are so many shitty “fake” news sites...people are just this/that clueless!

100% yes. Never forget Disney is in for the cash 1st,2nd and 3rd...

H makes it out like he wrote, produced and directed the thing. He took an easy bag of cash is all, sign me up!

Winston Smith.

They educate themselves?