  • I am always confused by this. North Dakota is the one on top of the other (to the north) same with the Carolina’s and West Virginia for that matter!


I spent my first 10 years watching a 12" black and white TV. The next 30 with a standard def 27" color tv. 1080p blue ray will always blow my mind. Everything else is unnecessary and incremental for me. Happy at 1080p.

HS teacher here. Any day when students are off is heaven on earth at my school. That is all.

Correct. Trying to teach the spoiled brats of today’s clueless parents is most difficult, especially know nothings who call US education shitty like some moron did above. I do question giving unfettered access to something that should be earned through talent troubling. You mention dreaming. Now when exactly has this

Arrange a meetup with Negan and have Daryl toss a few bazooka blasts their way. All finished.

It was shit the first time around, can’t be any better in this version. I mean, Dave Coulier? Think about it.

They got lucky. How many missions have the 117s flow in their active service? One total plane shot down. What platform has a better ratio of planes shot down vs total missions flown?

New rule. Only rude morons get un greyed all across the gawkerverse. Sad.

4Chan? Seems legit.

I bet that kid grew up to be a delight.👻

“The enemy of art is the absence of limitations.” -Orson Welles

Especially if what they hate is an over hyped blowhard like Kanye West.

Irony overload!

At least he wasn’t dresses like a douche. Oh.

It’s called “defense” kiddies.

You can’t have a discussion with these people. No matter how normal and level headed you act, their self-important whining always takes precedence. Look for codewords used without irony like “self awareness” That and a need for the last word, even if they are all the same, lame words.

Waiting for Season 2 on Netflix, cannot imagine what the hold uupp could be? DVD sales?

It would be ironic if Amazon charges the expensive retail of the outmoded Borders and Barnes & Noble ones, but for people who buy books (on Amazon actually, still, unlike SSpotifyhich never sold vinyl) a low-cost place to physically go could be a boon for non internet shoppers who have physical money, of which there

No, Gawker has that prize set aside for their hero, Bernie.