Ingmar Beerman

Man... if this story was useful to you, I’m genuinely glad. But I thought the ending totally flubbed what was a great little show by not dealing with its implications.

Tough weekend for the monarchy. 

The Queen’s Gambit really only feints in the direction of being an addiction drama.

At one point, they shoot a rectal exam from the rectum’s perspective. It may be the defining image of a film so far up its own ass.”

Why tackle the economic and societal hardships that lead to violence when you can blame someone else for it?

Tjahjanto’s involvement makes me a lot more interested in this than I would be otherwise but I really wish he'd get on the sequel to The Night Comes For Us

The big deal with Die Hard was that McClane, while an absurd and idealized “hey, I’m just a blue collar New York cop” archetype, was the closest thing to a normal human being to star in an 80s action movie. Before McClane, action movie stars were epitomized by Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone - huge,

In terms of the general culture, yes. I still remember way back when J.K., still just a regular sized asshole then, offhandedly remarked upon how silly and childish fantasy as a genre is, and Pratchett very simply rebuffed her, invoking the ire of her legion of fans. Maybe if their popularity had been reversed,

It supposed to be a 19 year time jump, so far everyone has aged a lot more gracefully in the 10 years since filming ended.

The sad truth is that Warner and Universal have so much money invested in Harry Potter being a generation spanning franchise that JK Rowling’s could start shooting people in the street and they would still be pushing crap that makes her money.  

Based on metatext from JK Rowling herself, the series revolves around the fight to keep the ghost of Myrtle Warren out of the wrong bathroom.

You know, sometimes I wish Discworld got as popular as Harry Potter did instead.

It’s weirdly comforting to know that, come what may, the AV Club will try to stir up the long-burned out embers of the Ghostbusters (2016) controversy whenever they have the opportunity.

The AV Club will apparently continue to talk up the 2016 Ghostbusters movie long after it has been consigned to the $5 bin of mediocrity by the rest of the world. And it comes off really defensive here.

I don’t care what a grouchy, lame old man he sounds like, Russell Crowe is right, Master and Commander is absolutely amazing.

Is anyone else suspicious that this AV Club article is written by Randall? (I didn’t check his last name but I assume it’s the guy from Clerks.)

If there’s one thing Disney likes it’s money and Deadpool makes loads of that so this is not at all surprising.

I’d love the reverse-concept show: Undercover Poor. A struggling working-class person is dressed up fancy to infiltrate rich-person domains: country clubs, GOP fundraisers, galas, etc.

That’s what the guillotine was for

That’s the whole Republican philosophy. You need to protect the rich greedy assholes or else you’ll never become a rich greedy asshole!