
Please send all blank checks, money orders, cash, cocaine, or wigs to:

I’m convinced, where can I send my blank checks to?

In totally unrelated news, I am currently crowdfunding for my own, 100% original game “Death Stranding”. Here is a screenshot of my game in progress:

Already knew this was going to be here:

It’s worth remembering that the Chinese government (aka Tencent) did ActiBlizz CEO Bobby Kotick a huge favor in helping repurchase the stocks from Vivendi in 2013. They still own about $2.5B worth of ActiBlizz last time I looked.

I keep seeing “vote with your wallet,” but they originally pulled this because they’re terrified of losing China as a customer base. With a billion people and a huge and growing crop of gamers, what’s stopping Activision-Blizzard from simply ignoring the percentage of people elsewhere who’ll stop playing on ethical

Well I know I’ve found my line. It’s a shame because I was really excited for Blizcon and shit but the only way businesses are going to learn to not bow to China’s authoritarian whims is if the customer base punishes them greatly for it. Some mouthbreather is probably going to come in to the comments with the tiresome

Cool. Can y’all stop designing classrooms without the tiniest bit of regard to the limitations of network infrastructure? Thanks.

The NRA is a terrorist organization. They’re fucking terrorists.

As a K-12 school designer, I absolutely worry what effect these designs have on children and teachers. It's disgusting that our country's response to violence is not to implement common sense restrictions on the tools of that violence, but instead to place this psychological burden on children. Fuck the NRA, may they

I think George Carlin said it best when he said, “If you’re pre-born, you’re fine. If you’re pre-school, you’re fucked.”

This is America.

Good for Baker. I sometimes get sick of him voicing seemingly everything (that Nolan North isn’t already doing), but if he’s standing up for his principles and supporting his union people, I’ve got more respect for him now.

To be fair Randy couldn’t afford to pay a union actor because that money would be better spent literally lining his pockets.

showing me several games I already know very well about instead of new unknowns, in something called the “Discovery Update”, sounds like a severe failure of the stated intention

If you read the piece, you’ll see developers are pointing out that the wishlists/view ratio was halved, which suggests Steam also started showing the games to the wrong people. Maybe it’s an accident, but this seems like a straight screw up.

I missed the section where he was outraged. This piece read like a straight telling of what some developers are saying about the new algorithm and leaves the reader to determine their own opinion.

Now playing

Kotaku has previously reported on self-appointed boob police who trawl through Twitch’s directories searching for and reporting women they believe are violating Twitch’s terms of service.

What absolutely miserable human beings these people reporting her must be

I love weird Japanese stuff as much as, well, the rest of us perverts, but I’d give it up to be in the timeline where we didn’t burn the planet down to own the libs.