mighty no 10
mighty no 10
Japan did everything to China that the Germans did to Europe (google Unit 731, you shouldn’t have to be told about the Rape of Nanking). Unlike Germany, they’ve never apologized, and officials including the current president regularly pay homage at a shrine to dead war criminals from that era.
Eh to put it into context, the Chinese people’s attitude towards the Japanese wartime rising sun flag is probably the same as the Jewish people’s attitude towards the Nazi swastika flag.
Gonna take a stab at this myself. I’ve let myself get a little flabby in my middle age, and being a Saitama fan already, this looks like it’ll be a fun way to keep myself motivated and on track.
He was already fairly buff. He got lean.
False and hateful news is a problem. But there is a lot of very excellent news out there, hiding in plain sight. When people complain about how awful the media is, there’s truth to that, but it’s also a dangerous overstatement, and it makes me want to shake those people and say, well stop flipping watching cable news…
sounds like the problem is that it feels out of place relative to the rest of the game
It starts May 1!
yeah, would be an awfully weird thing to make an example out of. might not even have been paperwork, might have just been an over-zealous official.
that sounds to me like some paperwork fucked up. they export that same sort of stuff all the time. probably wasn’t listed as an export for some reason.
right, this is for environments, not animation.
The narrator talking about humanity made me notice that there aren’t any people in this, probably for a reason.
Others have already said it better: “No fucking shit.”
The purchase of a game (or, really, a license) doesn’t entitle you to shit all over the people who made that game just because it doesn’t conform to your individual expectations.
It entitles you to voice your concerns, certainly, but not to issue threats, drop the…
Oh wow, you really converted me.
No fucking shit. Gamers can be some of the most entitled assholes ever. Why the hell would someone want to engage with spoiled shits who armchair game develop, as if content and features are as easy to make as a meme template.
Apex Legends got ruined in two ways for me very quickly.
While I fully admit there are probably lots of hackers in Apex, some of the complaints are just straight up from bad players. They call hacks when really they just ran into a very good player.
It’s called Titanfall 2
just imagine if these stupid twitch bros would take time outta their lives rolling around in teenagers’ donated money to stream an indie game once a day. I love a big AAA game like anyone else, but I don’t love them any more than any indie game. It’s all the sleazy stuff like this that hinders creativity and hurts art…