
As the reporter rightly was getting at with his questioning, the “I’m only accountable to the people in my district” defense rings a bit hollow when Blum’s largest donors are from outside of his district. If he can be bought by parties outside his district, then he can answer questions asked by Iowans outside his

You do understand that health insurance isn’t a commodity right? You can’t start a mom and pop insurance store, because if one of your 5 clients gets cancer, you all go out of business. The way insurance works is to spread the risk over more people. More people == lower chance of any significant number of them

Welcome to how all insurance works?

No! Fuck these guys! Build the TMT, and ignore the religious loonies! Who gives a shit if they resent it being buibuilt, REAL Science is infinitely more important than fake religion..

A man who was not supposed to have a gun filmed himself holding a gun and uploaded it publicly. What on earth does that have to do with fake news.

Cache: a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place.
I’d consider “more guns than you can realistically use at a single time” a collection.

A rifle, revolver and shotgun could definitely constitute a small cache. he didn’t say a stockpile, or anything. But what always gets me about these articles involving nut jobs with guns are people who are more upset about things like “arms cache” or my personal favorite, “stop calling an AR-15 as assault rifle”

If you have more weapons than arms to hold them, “cache.”

Private businesses don’t take money out of my paycheck

It’s a piece of racist dogwhistle propaganda.

If only we had more awareness about guns in America