
You should try reading. It should help you from making stupid comments that are disproved in the article you are commenting on.

Any proof that those guys are illegals. Or you are just a racist who thinks that anybody that is brown must be illegal?

Read this and I agree with it so there you have it.

It’s quite relevant. I served, and don’t much cotton to chicken-hawks trying to spend my friend’s blood in a dick wagging contest.

Weaklings worry about saving face. We have a military that could whip the entire world combined and enough nuclear weapons to literally destroy life as we know it. WE don’t have to impress anyone. If the US falls it will be because of internal strife and making colossally bad decisions, like getting mired in conflicts

Im glad you are not in charge but you sound like a Trump supporter. The situation is Syria is amazingly complicated. We have Assad who is practically engaging in genocide of mulsim civilians who then garner the fighting support of another mulsim group called ISIS. And the entire civilian polulation gets stuck in

Putin is using this bullshit to distract his population from the shitty nose diving energy based economy he has created, but sure lets go to war over this BS. It can be like 2003 all over again, because that worked out so fucking well.

The only person looking pathetic is you, Anonymy. How’s Putin making the President look “weak”? Please tell us. Because, last I checked, he’s been fighting ISIS for over a year, and has over 7000 sorties to speak for, and Putin has 40, at most. So if having been committed to the fight for over a year, not attempting

Yes Obama, you are a fool for not starting WW3 over some jihadists in the middle of nowhere.

As compared to the stunning success of our military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Good that you feel this way, you’ll be needing this.

What exactly have we lost here? We’re saving money and American lives. Sounds good to me.

Who is walking over us? Disasters in Syria has nothing to do with “us”

Obama stayed out of the Syrian part of the Arab Spring to avoid the next generation of This Revolution is Brought to You By The US Department of State in Conjunction with Central Intelligence Agency.

So... this technology renders the vehicle safe to drive behind Volkswagens?

I know, right?

Many just starting out workers are in the $30Ks and haven’t had a raise in years. Sorry to burst your Scott Walker talking points bubble.

Not sure where you’re getting your numbers from. If you haven’t had a raise since 2008, You’d be pretty mad too.

calling people “monkeys” because you think they’re beneath you isn’t a good way to make them see your point.