When people talk about the current golden age of TV, they’re usually referring to big, serious dramas like Breaking…
When people talk about the current golden age of TV, they’re usually referring to big, serious dramas like Breaking…
“An increased precision is now required in the first game, which makes the gameplay experience different,”
People complaining about this game need to grow a pair of ball and get over the difficulty.
I beat the first game and some of the second game. The bridge levels are damn awful still, and it doesn’t help that the new physics and hit boxes make this game a lot more frustrating than it should be.
Game Devs: “Yea, fuck you.”
Seriously, just patch in an option for those who want a more classic physics response set. The problems their changes cause are not absolved by save points that should have existed in the original. Crash jumps like a heavy, wet, sloshy, turd in these remakes. The unintended movement shown in…
Please help me unpack this. (Black person here, btw). Is the upset centered on the fact that:
- Spiderman wasn’t black. (sorry but Donald Glover is too old to play high school)
- The costars weren’t more flushed out.
- The romantic leads were the usual Hally Berry types.
So many recycled fight scenes in the Simpsons. That fight between SSJ3 Homer VS Mr Burns in ultimate form was epic the first couple of times, but it quickly became old...
How weird to see something I look at every day at work on the front page of an American website I use every day (at said work).
I don’t know about Mass Effect Andromeda, but I agree with everything that you said. This is the first “Black Panther” movie and, if it followed anything from other Marvel movies, this will be mainly an origin story. It has no time to go into second/third string characters - just introduce them while developing the…
Or they don’t feel like adding something in that would muddy and distract from the real story. These movies are already impossibly long, they don’t need to venture into the sexuality of every background and second/third string characters.
I demand more local multiplayer. There aren’t nearly enough games with couch co-op.
Truly, this is the darkest timeline.
My Witcher ain’t got time for booty. There’s Gwent to be played. Unless “her way” is a nice game of Gwent. I’ve got time for that. She doesn’t want to play Gwent, does she?
The old Crash Bandicoot games are getting remastered for PS4, Sony just announced.
In addition, Nintendo has announced that all the strongest legendaries can only be found in single specific locations, “to reward the true adventuerer.”
For those who are going “This isn’t what I want in a Pokemon games. i want random battles, leveling up and the other stuff”, remember that this isn’t a game to replace the main games (because that would cut sales for their portable consoles if you can get a similar or equal experience on mobile phones)
This game is a…
I just didn’t like Zemo here. His whole character arc felt like a plot device. It didn’t help that he was just another survivor type lumped in with all the others the movie threw at you. Also, the whole convenient coincidence of Bucky being the one that killed Tony’s parents brought me down.
Overall, the movie was…
And why does Howard have it in the back of his car, just driving it with his wife with no escort? Biggest headscratcher for me.