
My close friend in the Army told me she is forced to pee into a cup at night when she’s in the field, because even her fellow male soldiers said it wasn’t safe for her to use the bathrooms. To be clear, they were saying that she wasn’t safe from THEM, not the enemy. So how about this, military: We’ll register for the

So much gratitude to this strong woman for sharing her’s an incredibly important read in a world where many so called “pro-lifers” honestly think abortion is a flippant, spontaneous choice made by irresponsible women who are too dumb to determine the course of their own lives. Thanks for showing a more

Here’s what I learned after serving a 6 month sentence in the “Guantanamo Bay-style” sleep deprivation/torture program known as early parenthood : The term “Cry it out” does not mean letting your kid scream ceaselessly for hours. It means letting them “decompress” and vocalize their exhaustion for short but increasing

I know a GOP-leaning voter who is also a kind, strong, successful, intelligent woman. She told me she wouldn’t vote for Hillary because of “how she handled the cheating thing.” My response was:

As much as I hate to say this, Trump’s view on immigration reminds me of my (equally racist) father’s stance. Last time I saw Dad, he referred to a man who was simply walking down the street as a “towelhead” and mumbled something about him being “off the boat”. I called him on his racist crap and pointed out that my

Portland resident here: I think they intentionally chose the name to get attention and spark a little controversy (which clearly worked). It seems as though you are sort of grasping at critical straws here, as though white people would never do anything to promote diversity and equality without having some kind of

I’m surprised that as a Jewish man whose family was affected by the holocaust, Bernie does not know where the term “ghetto” comes from. The original word means an area of a city to which Jews are confined. The practice of forcing Jewish residents to live in a ghetto began in the 16th or 17th century and was continued

As a survivor of domestic and sexual violence, and a professional in the response and prevention field since 1993, I can say that self blame, self loathing, and even blame of other victims is sadly all too common for people who experience rape and/or intimate partner abuse. One possible reason is that for them, taking