PeKena LarVa

People are complaining about all the things wlyou said they are not complaining. Here's an article about coders against code completion

Sounds like a bunch of addicts. 


You beat me to it. This is the reason. 

The thing is that there’s already a term for this: cinematic platformer. We don’t need a new definition when a perfect one already exist. What the author is doing would be akin to replacing the term “immersive sim” by “dishonoredlike”, or something else like that that ignores the history and evolution of the genre.

Hey Kotaku. I don’t know if you haven’t received the memo, but there’s already a term for this. And it’s been there for decades: cinematic platformer. It works for both 2d and 3d by the way. As much as those new games look “limbolike” by your definition, Limbo could be classified as “icolike” and Inside would be

I know is only a joke but I seriously doubt there’s gonna be a PS7. I’m not even sure about PS6 to be honest. Everything is gonna move towards cloud based gaming eventually.

You say that, but it is still one of the best co op games of all time and hugely influential on that regard.

This kind of aimless rants should be reserved for personal social media, not news coverage. The writer doesn’t have not even one substantial or interesting thing to say about the subject and feels like it’s only trying to aim for a word count. 

I bought it but haven’t play it yet. Also for the record I like Finding Paradise more than To The Moon and disagree on most negative points the author makes against Finding Paradise (I know that videogames are a technology based artform, but I really don’t like this idea of things having to be innovate in order to be

The environmental impact is a fair criticism, but only some forms of blockchain have a big environmental impact (the worst offender is Bitcoin). Since crypto doesn’t seem to go anywhere anytime soon maybe we should push for more eco friendly forms of crypto instead (and there are plenty). 

What are you talking about? The adult industry is going nuts with NFT content as we speak. There are even adult only oriented marketplaces. 

I think that to find solutions to these problems and be responsible consumers is very important to understand how NFTs and Crypto actually work and why they are considered a breakthrough in the tech sector as a whole. Everybody rants but few understand about the subject they are ranting about. I’m not saying that NFTs

I saw around an hour of the documentary and then lost interest. He is right in some aspects but it’s also clear that he doesn’t understand how the technology works very well. Every time he should explain the technicalities behind the technology he uses pretextes like saying that is too complicated to explain, and just

There’s an animated movie Inn the works by the same production company (not the same team) that made Your Name.

I know this comment is old but I’ll leave a reply in case anybody that has that problem happens to read this. On Steam, right click on the Game’s name on the list of games and go to properties. From there check the “Betas” section and choose the “alternative” build. When you exit the menu Steam should download an

Dos cosas:

So, Sony does what Ninten-do?