
Since this is a post about books and reading, I will go ahead and be a grammar pedant. It is “affect”.

And Jason Momoa just went on my to-don’t list. I have hundreds of books and if anyone (who wasn’t a child) deliberately harmed one, there would be blood.

I can’t even describe how angry this makes me. First of all, the books aren’t yours. Second of all, they’re BOOKS. Asshole.

When I was on maternity leave, I was reading “Where the Heart Is.” My husband decided the book was making me too depressed (thanks Oprah!), so he HID IT FROM ME before he went to work. I should have divorced him then. This was 22 years ago, and it still stands out in my memory as the first of many disrespectful things

Physical destruction of co-workers’ property is grounds for dismissal out in the real world. 

I mean whether this relationship is real or not, it’s absurd to think that Priyanka is the one who *needs* Nick to become more famous. She’s a big fucking deal in India. And when I mean big I mean BIIIG. I mean the goddamn Prime Minister of the country attended her reception. And you best believe he didn’t do because

Hands show your real age.

So the videos are still on their official Instagram account...if hackers put up the video wouldn’t they have been taken down by now? I mean, they have obviously regained control of the account from the “hacking,” unless the hackers were very polite and also posted the apology? Or maybe Dolce and Gabbana are trolling

I hope they toss him in the embers their ‘raking’ since he’s so obsessed with that part of it.

He’ll outgrow it or I’ll disown him. I’m giving him until legal voting age to find out! 

He wants to ride in the big boy fire truck, and maybe they’ll let him play with the siren!

Well that jacket was apparently quite cheap, and probably made by kids the same ages as the ones Malaria visited.

“I write the answers. My lawyers don’t write answers. I write answers. I was asked a series of questions. I’ve answered them very easily — very easily. I’m sure they’re tripped up, because you know they like to catch people.‘Gee, was the weather sunny or rainy? He said it may have been a good day. It was rainy.

I remember someone I know lamenting how someone who owned a smartphone couldn’t possibly be homeless. Or hell, the people who said refugees couldn’t possibly have their lives at risk because they were wearing Levi’s and had phones... as if those things act as a bomb shelter or provide access to sanitary water and food.

If only this hussy would have the good taste towear a jacket that read “I don’t really care. Do U?” This would be a non-issue!

I use food stamps. I don’t have an iPhone...but I don’t have a “fancy” smartphone ..that I bought used off of eBay. You understand it’s basically a necessity to have a smart phone in this day and age? I also have a nice name handbag I received as a Xmas gift five years ago that I have kept in impeccable condition.

Her constituents did that already.

“-functions much in the same way flat-screen televisions and nice sneakers show up in conservative rhetoric about people on Medicaid or receiving food stamps.”

So long as they’re cheap t-shirts. If they’re fancy, like fitted or god forbid with buttons on the collar, it’ll obviously prove she’s secretly rich. Fox will be checking closely for cotton/poly blends.

They might have more success with a defamation lawsuit.  The white house accused him of assault, a serious crime, and tried to doctor evidence.  I’m no lawyer, but I feel like that includes a pretty large series of crimes.  I bet someone could tie criminal conspiracy into it.