
The funny thing is, they don’t even have to subpoena them. The House Ways and Means Committee can request anyone’s tax returns directly from the IRS and they have to comply. Trump would (once again)have to obstruct justice blatantly in order to stop it. 

The meltdown that’s going to happen once the House subpoenas Trump’s tax returns, or when Mueller finally drops indictments on people like Don Jr. and Roger Stone, is going to be end of “Raiders of the Lost Ark” esque.

It’s really early to be sundowning. 

“I would be very good at a low tone...”

Just me or was this even a more unhinged than usual from Mango Unchained? Apparently someone spent some executive time explaining that losing the House was bad.

HBO response is a freaking best

Wait, didn’t the stock market lose hundreds of points in the past week? Maybe it’s me but I think your president is not quite trustworthy.

Looking at that Cruz twitter post, I saw this and it was very unsettling.

Ugh, of fucking course Megyn Kelly is a Scorpio.

Megan Kelly’s a Scorpio?! Nooooooo!  

And what kind of medical professional expects a woman to have sex with her husband while she has a lesion on her vagina? There are so many disturbing aspects to this story.

It wasn’t even her actual doctor: it was her *boss* who she went to because she was afraid her deadly form on cancer had come back.

This guy shouldn’t work in the medical field again.

Yeah, except that it sounds like he’s working on a military base now, which means he’s collecting a government check and his patients likely don’t have a choice about whether or not to see him. *burns everything down*

If a doctor doesn’t lose their medical license for this then what exactly does it take?

You may think that... but imagine instead him living out the rest of his life without hair products or bronzer. Forced to wear an orange jumpsuit and eat prison food. I would much rather him die in prison then be put to death quickly.

“I gotta tell you folks, its a scary time out there for young men”

A lot of pressure to pump out content?

If you’re drunk and faceblind, sure, I guess.

Now that you mention it. No.

Dear Concern Troll,

When male objectification leads to rampant sexual assault, loss of job opportunities due to sexual harassment, death threats due to reporting possible sexual misconduct, disfigurement and death stemming from entitlement...and I could go on and on. You get the point.

This whole “men’s rights” thing