
Okay, fair enough! She’s already one of the most bullied people in the world, you know, so far be it from me to waste my efforts trying to stop one more person from joining the fray. ;)

Intelligent? Ok.

If there isn’t, you know who to thank!

Or the opposite of “Nihao, Kai-lan”.

Sure, sure. As everyone pointed out, it was 80 degrees in DC and hotter than that in Texas. Why would she be wearing a jacket at all in that weather? It’s obvious she doesn’t give a shit. For all the people who feel sorry for her and think she’s trappped or think she’s secretly member of the resistance, remember what

Melania needs words too!

She’s been garbage for a long time now.

JK Rowling is kind of a garbage person, isn’t she.

There’s Always a Tweet, Oct 12 edition.

Wellllll in Dutch it’s more like “vin hoogh” where the initial ‘g’ is very soft and very close to an English ‘h’, and the ‘gh’ is a very soft rustling sound in the back of the throat. His pronunciation is *theoretically* closer than ‘van go’ but he really murders it to the point where “van go” may actually be closer

My thoughts and prayers are with Pastor Brunson

She looks damn good.

The thing is - why do we need to know it’s happening? Surely a this point Kanye’s antics can be relegated to a line item in Dirt Bag or Barf Bag. Stop giving this idiot headlines. He does seem...unwell.

That makes it sound like they’re responsible for his misogyny and general fucked-upness. And I don’t think that’s fair. West is worse than any of them.

She could be angling for Lindsey Graham’s seat. Graham has been openly calling for Trump to replace Sessions after the midterms, and he seems to have been mugging for enough applause to get the appointment himself.

This is why the climate is so scary for men. You can have five women come out of nowhere and accuse you of stuff you did, and maybe because of the whims of the news cycle, people take it seriously for a little bit, and you have to lower your profile for a while before your fellow mediocrities welcome you back into the

As a bearded person, I think he at least needs groomed, Spock is to meticulous to have a beard that is not well shaped, and While this look would work well on a lumberjack, it doesn’t go with Spock.

My cookout potato salad does basically the same thing, but the shredder is the colon, and does it get me fame and adulation? No! It only gets me forwarded ambulance and ER bills from friends and relatives.

She clearly thinks she's on a photo shoot but these people have no clue about noblesse oblige, which specifically means giving back; these people are the least philanthropic, least charitable and absolutely feel no obligation to do for others less fortunate.

I’ve been working on a “call stabbing” feature, maybe we could exchange notes?