
Yes, because look how many accusations of sexual assault Democrats threw at Neil Gorsuch, just to see which one stuck. That was with heavy sarcasm, if you couldn’t tell. Maybe the best defense against accusations of sexual assault is to not nominate scumbag candidates who were drunkards and gropers?

Kavanaugh didn’t have to go with the “I was a virgin and never drank” lie. He could have said, “I was a typical wealthy spoiled prep-school kid,” who drank and continued to deny the allegations. But like all the other Republicans, they love to present themselves as if they lived in the movie world of the 50's with

This whole thing really highlights how spineless and cowardly Republicans are. This man is causing them so much trouble, and the obvious solution is to just not vote for him and let him rot, then have Trump pick someone else. But they won’t. They refuse to simply because Trump wants him in due to his belief that the

“Drumpf will continue to deny Puerto Rico statehood. “

Hey stranger things have happened.

The Novacane Turtle made sure to stress that Kavanagh has had death threats, but didn’t mention that Dr.Ford has had them as well. Because she doesn’t matter, apparently.

The Egyptians will appreciate the distraction so they can get back to filling their pyramids with grain. 

Sean Penn is a horrible person. Your hatred is justified. 

‘I will Chair the United Nations Security Council meeting on Iran next week!’

Dotard J. Trump thinks FBI should have been called 36 yrs ago? Young woman assaulted by one boy with an accomplice and Dotard tweets aloud that the FBI should’ve been notified. This fucktard seriously needs his little typing fingers crushed.

I despise Jennifer Garner. She has the acting ability of a fruit fly. All she does is look mildly confused in every single scene. I hate her voice. I wish she would go back to West Virginia and never be seen in public again.

...the Sahara isn’t in Spain? 

During a visit to the White House by the Spanish royal family, Trump wanted Spain to build a wall *** across the Sahara ***.

Yes, South Korea has done amazing work. Maybe President Moon will bring his Nobel with him when he comes to visit…

That's not the same bunny suit as the pic above. There's a second bunny?!

If Kavanaugh is smart, he’ll withdraw his nomination.

Also related: “I hardly recognized her as Madonna,” Lt. Bill McSweeney said at the time. “She was weeping, her lip was bleeding and she had obviously been struck.”

You mean a dude who once tied his wife to a chair and beat the shit out of her for 8+ hours doesn’t think Me Too is valid? I’m SHOCKED.

Wait, no I’m not.

The spirit of much of what has been the #MeToo movement is to divide [the hands, mouths, and penises of] men and [the bodies of] women.