
Explain why the GOP seemed to know about this possibility and had a letter from 65 women refuting these accusations ready to go, within moments after they were made public.........

Everything you wrote is 100% full of shit. And I would love to find out which approved Splinter dipshit is going around bringing trolls like you out.

Just like your Idiot in Chief, you are too rock stupid to use the “Salem Witch Trials” as a proper analogy.

Ooooor guys like him wouldn’t target them, because they’d be able to go to the police about it.

“His mantra, I was told, was, “Why would I wanna cast ’em if I don’t wanna fuck ’em?”

“Lie detector test” is such a stupid, like, TV series trope - so of course these morons are going on about it.

I had a college professor who was a retired CIA and Secret Service agent. Interesting guy. Our class discussions went far afield of “History of World Civilizations” (which was the class.)

Traitorous fucking accomplices.

Pence says he’d take a lie detector “in a heartbeat”. Jokes on u! He doesnt have a heartbeat.

Considering lie detector tests are bullshit and don’t actually work make that offer worthless.

If she was still in uniform, it doesn’t really matter whether she was on the clock, she was still effectively on duty - trust me, no one who thinks they need a cop asks someone in uniform if they’re on duty before they dive in. They generally don’t even bother to find out if the someone in uniform is actually a cop

Witnesses heard her screaming for him to open up, and pounding on the door

The fact that a “highly trained professional” officer is able to be this scared/tired/incompetent in case after case is a joke. Our military has been operating under much more restrictive Rules of Engagement for a while now, and if we can train an angry 18 year old with a fully automatic belt-fed machine gun “don’t

Here’s my guesswork reconstruction.

That’s strange, I’m pretty sure if I walked into an apartment that wasn’t mine and shot somebody I’d be in jail right now, I wonder what the difference here is....

I feel as though 145k is not nearly enough. It’s a paltry sum for hawking bullshit. In fact, one might even call it Paltr-ow-y.

When your plan to MAGA involves you leaving the country.

When America sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing crime, they’re bringing drugs, they’re Roseanne...

America really has to stop sending our outdated war engines overseas.

You know, I’m a lib, and I feel pretty owned right now, but it has nothing to do with the owners at all. Rosanne, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson and all their deplorable children can take the weekend off.