
Trump is one of those assholes who will talk shit about you behind your back, talk shit about you to your friends, and talk shit about you where he knows it’ll get back to you...but when you go and speak to him face-to-face, he’s all smiles and doesn’t have any idea how you could have gotten the idea that he doesn’t

I am having a teeney bit of trouble wrapping my head around the Trump-Sessions beef. Has the president forgotten that he is, like, the president and can pick up the phone and call his attorney general pretty much anytime of day or night? Or even summon him to the White House and yell at him all he wants in person? His

Alternate title for this article:

Logistically, I don’t see how that’s possible, considering it’s even farther away than that shit hole Puerto Rico.

No problem! The spelling of the words with letters isn't my strong point 

He'd better coordinate with the president of Hawai'i

Pretty sure it’s a chick. Otherwise yeah, fucking crazy. Hopefully she marries a guy with last name Bites. 

I was waiting for “I’m going to really show the President Puerto Rico how disaster relief is really done!”

i kept waiting for the /s and it never came

If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!”

Y'all should consider putting LastCommentOnTheLeft back in the greys or banning them. They're obviously a troll. Don't know who at Splinter decided to approve them.

Between this and paying for her child rapist brother’s lawyer, maybe it’s time y’all confronted the possibility that she’s a piece of shit

Gorka responded by calling the man “un-American.””

Not often you get to say good job MTV.

I was going with “Gudetama barf,” but OK.

Mansion 1 was just too big, mansion 2 was too small, after it gained sentience mansion 3 constantly makes creepy comments about how youre now inside it and its jusssst right and mansion 4 is being slowly moved through time to be the base of operations for a war 1000 years ago.

How is that different than any other shitty defense-of-abuser letter?

I’m currently trying to get my PhD, and I want something like Title IX and whatever institutional bodies that protect trainees from harassment to function well for anyone who has a mentor. I don’t give a shit that she’s a well-respected female academic that’s advocated for feminist causes for decades. She used her

“Our communications — which Reitman now claims constituted sexual harassment — were between two adults, a gay man and a queer woman, who share an Israeli heritage...