
My question would be, he is a public official so how is an NDA even legal?

That still wouldn’t be a reason to be so public about your mess. In fact, it’s more of a reason to keep it private. Not when their are kids involved. So many kids...

Azliea banks trapped in Musk house looking for Grimes needs to be a movie like night at the museum. Can just see her accidentally launching herself into space or stumbling into the basement and getting In a tunnel car to the center of the earth and finding Grimes riding a robot T-Rex.

It took two 11 year-olds less than 20 minutes to hack replicas of the Florida state elections website. Cool.

Tweets about Omarosa summarized:

It’s not nearly as tiresome as constantly having to explain what the Constitution actually says to someone whose only memory thereof is of the dream they were having while they dozed through middle school Civics class.

The First Amendment states that CONGRESS cannot pass any laws that restrict speech. They’re free to say or think whatever they like and I’m free to regard them as the garbage humans they are.

I’d wager they are discounted upwards, and the cocktails will remain $150 a pop. Even Tangerine Scream can’t resist fleecing the rubes in his base.

Laura Ingraham, the America you knew and loved never existed. Be thankful you live in an era wherein you are more than marital property, are free to make your shitty, judgemental comments, and fight teen gun violence survivors on twitter.

“Most of that money goes to the players anyways.”


This is EXACTLY what we are talking about here; I don’t like the racing at Bowman Gray but this kind of stuff has always been allowed. If a cop can unilaterally decide what is or isn’t allowed on one field they can decide it on any field. 

Can see it now- at NHL games- a police officer sits inside the timekeeper’s box. Fight breaks out between two players- one of them starts pummeling the other. PO pulls gun- shoots player who is winning the fight.

a car bumping another car at a stock car race

We ALL know that if is taken over, it will actually be taken over by Sexy Carp Babes

Even without the strategic component, there is still nothing necessarily improper about it. It’s not like because you were investigating to find evidence of one criminal committing one type of crime, you have to ignore all other evidence of all other crimes uncovered in the investigation.

It’s not stealing, they expect to replace them with every guest. It’s only stealing if they expected you to use a little and to leave the rest for the next person. (OR if you grabbed hand fulls off the housekeeping cart as you ran by. *cough* Like my FIL does.)

The should offer to replace his star in return for him resigning... he might go for it.

lol... Today’s collapse of Infowars was epic. The fact that even Pinterest banned him made my day but also made me wonder...what kind of boards does he have: DIY for Conspiracy, Obama is Hitler, Deco for FEMA coffins...?? 

don’t tease us like that....we are a fragile people with less and less to cling to.