
Is it possible to upvote and report this at the same time?

I know you weren’t in Portland, but if you’re going to write about something that happened there maybe try checking in with people who are?

and arrived back where they parked to find their vehicles missing.

Because if you don’t counterprotest, Nazi groups are emboldened, feel like they “won”, and get juiced up to harass bystanders and POC or commit more violence. In their narrative, strength is all that matters, and if nobody shows up, it’s because the alpha Aryan manly men scared everyone off, and they’ll think they

1939-2016- Nazis must be beaten and put in their place.

This is why we now have sidewalk cops.

If the NRA is suing New York and making this claim, doesn’t that mean they will have to open up their books to inspection by the defendant’s legal team?

Thoughts and Prayers

Even if the “smokey eye” joke was a reference to her appearance, it was a complimentary reference. It’s like saying, “Gotta hand it to those Nazis, they look sharp in those uniforms” -- that’s a compliment right there. 

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones faces two defamation suits this week, including one by parents of a child killed in the Sandy Hook shooting who have not been able to visit their son’s grave because of death threats from Jones’s followers. Jones, who has peddled the theory that the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax

Obviously, one massive lawsuit isn’t enough for this motherfucker.

Eh, I’ve always viewed it more as - The Right: “Why won’t you PC snowflakes let us sing/pray/observe our Holiday!” vs. everyone else’s “um, no one said you couldn’t, chill the f* out.

If you want to be depressed, read the comment section of any local paper or TV station reporting on this stupid claim and you’ll find 50 - 100 supporters falling all over themselves to claim they do, in fact, have to show ID to buy groceries.

Are photo ID’s even needed for alcohol and cigarettes all the time? They card people under a certain age, but after awhile ( the last 3 or 4 years), they stop as it’s obvious you are of age.

You just... fucking... know... there’s going to be a trend of Real Americans® proudly showing their IDs to grocery store cashiers, completely unbidden, starting today.

Except the thing about her driving a car wasn’t even a “gaffe,” it’s perfectly understandable given her high profile public status (simply having been a former First Lady she would be entitled to lifetime Secret Service protection and would have been driven around by a security detail). Hell she didn’t even say that

Not having driven for 20 years is hardly in the same boat as being clueless about basic facts about groceries or trying to shamelessly ingratiate yourself with local sports fans.

Just couldn’t even go one article without a completely irrelevant jab at Hillary Clinton, huh?